3 thoughts on “Writing English as a Second Language”

  1. I really like how this essay focuses on more cultural issues when writing in English then grammatical ones. It’s amazing how eloquently the author puts it making it so easy to grasp!

  2. My favorite excerpt from Dan Berry’s article:

    “Clutter is the disease of American writing,” he declared in one passage that tends to haunt anyone daring to write about Mr. Zinsser. “We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.”

    I laughed as soon as I read those lines because they reflect my writing style. As I self-consciously write this comment, I think about the excessive time I spend overanalyzing my diction and syntax. I stray away from content while I drown my writing with “unnecessary words.” I can’t seem to find the proper phrases to express my thoughts in English or Albanian; therefore, I’m left with jumbled words and confused readers.

    I suffer from “the disease of American writing,” but I’m working toward a cure. I’ll try to “fall in love with active verbs,” as Mr. Zinsser suggests.

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