More Confused Leaving than walking in…

The Moma was a place of great confusion to me. Half the things in there did not seem like art to me. I understand things like some twisted stacks of clay or some paint thrown on to a canvas could be art to some people, however something like an inflatable plastic chair or a helicopter is not art in my opinion. If the definition of modern art was to confuse the crap out of someone as to what art was, then this place is definitely is the museum to go to.


The one thing that stuck me as art was Andy Warhol’s pop art. The images were familiar and the colors were bright. That’s what drew me in. It was something that could be understood easily and there was no need for interpretation. One could see the use of shading and other techniques, unlike some of the other paintings, where a two year old could have done the same thing. The pop art was the most recognizable thing to people with untrained eyes, like myself.

The place was aptly named, as I went in more confused as what art really was. When one thinks of art, one thinks of the mona lisa, or andy worhol’s maroline moroe, not a folding chair, unless that’s what you are sitting in to look at the mona lisa, or andy worhol’s maroline moroe. Somethings in there definitely screamed, I was put together in five seconds, like the wall of cans or the paintings with red paint just splashed over it. The pop art was the only thing I found that could satisfy the art part of the museum of modern art. The ones that are the most famous are the soup can and Marilyn Monroe because they were recognizable.

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