Archive for December, 2009

Dec 09 2009

Fall for Dance

Published by blah under Uncategorized

I actually liked it. Especially the second segment, “Afternoon of a Faun”. The movements were organic and gentle. There wasn’t a background and the costumes were simple, but the music and dance flowed so nicely together. The movements themselves were illustrating the music. I thought that they were supposed to represent some type of creature, […]

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Dec 09 2009

“I’ve got blisters on me fingers!” – Ringo Starr

Published by Samantha under Looking at Music - MOMA

While I dreaded having to go to the museum, I still enjoyed this trip greatly, 1) i have always wanted to go to the MoMA and 2) I am a child of rock and roll (I LOVE The Beatles). This was one of my favorite cultural events because of its content and mixed media –like […]

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Dec 09 2009

Pictures worth a thousand words

Published by blah under ICP Exhibit

There were three specific works that really intrigued me. The first was Pinar Yolacan’s photographs of elderly women wearing satin dresses laced with animal innards. When I first saw the pictures, I thought the innards were fake and that they were fabrics made to look like innards. It was not to be disgusted after finding […]

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Dec 09 2009


Published by blah under Short Films

Watching “Wasp” have changed my view on single mothers. It have showed me that they can selfish, but at the same time selfless. There wasn’t much of  a script and some of Zoe’s (single mother) actions had made me wonder about her judgment, but in the very end she did show that she cared for […]

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Dec 09 2009


Published by Samantha under Short Films

So I read other’s posts in the short film section and I notice a disturbing recurring theme in the blogs about Wasp. Everyone is talking about how hard the mother has it, and how she is a victim of circumstance . . . rather than her own actions. This is shocking and terrifying if it […]

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Dec 09 2009

Fall For Dance… or Falling Asleep

Published by Sai Ma under Uncategorized

One of my least favorite IDC events during this semester was the Fall For Dance Festival. Although some of the moves and performances were indeed crafty and showy, only a true master of dance could understand the concept of these dances. For a novice like me, these performances were about as bland as watching the […]

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Dec 09 2009

Sometimes it’s the common things that are remarkable

Published by Jensen Rong under Danny Senna

When I read the excerpt from “Where Did You Sleep Last Night?” I was immediately struck with Danzy Senna’s story, not so much because of the details of her plight, but of how much it sounded like everyone else’s.

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Dec 09 2009

Sleeping Beauty & The Beast

Published by Nguyen Chi under Danny Senna

Danzy Senna’s Where Did You Sleep Last Night Rating: 4.5 stars Reason: I was so surprised when I saw a tall, Caucasian-looking woman walking towards the podium after the name Danzy Senna was introduced. I said to myself, where is the half African American side of Danzy Senna or does it only exist on paper? […]

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Dec 09 2009

“I Hold Death In My Pouch. I Cannot Die.”

Published by Samantha under Fela!

Like Fela Kuti the man, Fela! the play pushed limits and raised the bar. From the moment you walk in there is an energy in the air that is unexpected and refreshing from a Broadway play. Fela!, as cliche as it sounds, is truly a must-see for everyone from everywhere. Not only is it possibly […]

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Dec 09 2009

Think Outside of the Box

Published by Nguyen Chi under Brooklyn Museum - New Feminist Video

I am what you would call a feminist. [However, I’m not the kind of feminist that Abushale often describes with his beautiful language as a “lesbian” with “unshaved legs and armpits”.] Since I’m a constant fighter for women equality, I found the Brooklyn Museum’s New Feminist Video to be closer to home than many other […]

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