Archive for December, 2009

Dec 09 2009


Published by Mary Priolo under Looking at Music - MOMA

     Music has evolved over time into arguably the center of our culture today. You can’t go anywhere without hearing music in its most predominant form, a song, or a rare form, just someone tapping a rhythm with there feet. The seventies embody huge change in mainstream and underground music.      This I knew before […]

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Dec 09 2009

Power of Presentation

Published by Mary Priolo under Joseph O'Connor

     I have never been a poetry advocate so I must admit I did not have very high hopes for Joseph O’Connor. Especially after I heard his very heavy accent and my struggling to understand him. However as I adapted to listening to him I realized the importance of the poem being presented as it […]

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Dec 09 2009

Worth a Thousand Words

Published by Mary Priolo under ICP Exhibit

I walked into the International Center of photography to many photos. However this is the first time I as presented with so many pictures yet I had to look one at a time. Every single one had its own authenticity, its own story, and its own aura.      The Belt, Step 1 to 9 caught […]

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Dec 09 2009

Feeling FELA!

Published by Mary Priolo under Fela!

Uncommon to the other events that I have attended so far I found FELA captivating. From the second I walked into the Eugene O’Neil Theater the air changed mostly because of the music. The mood could not have been set better if it was not longer a show but reality.      The thing that caught […]

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Dec 09 2009

Published by Mary Priolo under Danny Senna

Danzy Senna took a giant step when she wrote Where Did You Sleep Last night. She put forth all of her family’s issues in a hope that others would relate. I assume she didn’t have to hope because unfortunately what she experienced in her life is not all that uncommon. I must say I have […]

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Dec 09 2009

Anything you can do i can do better.. i think

Published by Mary Priolo under Brooklyn Museum - New Feminist Video

In the grand scheme of life, Feminism is a fairly new concept. My first impression as I walked into the museum was that this was going to be another “girls can do anything guys can do” theme. I was both right and wrong.” As always and need be for Feminism that does need to be […]

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Dec 09 2009

Barber of Seville

Published by Mary Priolo under Barber of Seville

I must admit, I was dreading attending an opera, it has been something I have never aspired to do. In fact, it is something I have sort of avoided; it held no appeal to me. Unfortunately based on this experience I was not proved wrong. Count and Rosalina triumphed over all of Bartolos schemes, love […]

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Dec 08 2009

My Kind Of Class Trip.

Published by Alina Pavlova under ICP Exhibit

I huge fan of photography, I loved coming to the ICP to take a look at some pictures. It was interesting for me to see the wide range of photography out there – from pictures bigger than me in size, taken from another room, to blurry shots, with a bit of a buzz to them, […]

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Dec 08 2009


Published by Alina Pavlova under Danny Senna

Looking at Danzy Senna, I would have never been able to tell that she is half-black.  And unless I read her story, I would have never believed anyone who told me so.  It was striking how beautiful she was.  But how nothing about her gave away the part of her that she considered her race […]

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Dec 08 2009

I Feel Good!

Published by Alina Pavlova under Fela!

The extent to which this Broadway musical was pushed was one that I didnt think possible.

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