Notes on Joe Salvo talk

These are some points I noted concerning the talk given by Joe Salvo on immigration patterns inNew York City:

  • Constant cycle of new immigrants: learn language–> leave city–> new immigrants
  • What is American?
    • White non Hispanic origin or anyone who’s just wealthier
    • Already a diverse place
    • People don’t really identify as American; closer ties to roots–> Depends on community
    • America thought of as more of a culture
    • New York City is more diverse compared to the rest of the country
    • (Refer to Nancy Foner article)
    • has to do with the amount of generations that have been in America –> in your family: the more generations that are American the looser the ties can be from your roots, the more you might identify yourself with America versus your own culture.
    • Sometimes new immigrants identify automatically as “American” because they are proud to have access to all the opportunities that America has to offer versus their native country.
    • Mix of cultures coincide because working towards common goal
    • Why are Asians moving to central park west and why are young white single adults moving to Spanish harlem, etc.?
      • Financially driven
      • Goals determine time period which influence where/ what you want to live in
      • Statistics show in the last recession; young Asian Americans more unemployed but when got jobs made good money –> influenced move to central park west
      • Young whites to Spanish harlem: affordable housing, liberal standpoint on race, edgier lifestyle?
      • Move to New York to work–> leads to young able working people


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