E Pluribus Unum

There are two points that Putnam makes in this reading that really stand out to me.  The first one is in the section that highlights the benefits of immigration and diversity.  He writes that immigration, and also diversity, increase and enhance creativity.  In fact, many more immigrants win awards in science and art than natural-born Americans.  I think that this is very true, and something that I never really think about.  When immigrants come to the United States from other countries, they are not just bringing themselves.  They are bringing along their culture, their practices.  With this new diversity, there is going to be so many more new and original ideas, in all different areas of science, art, music, etc.  However, sometimes the introduction of these ideas is more subtle, and we might not realize just what an important role immigration has played in the advancement and introduction of these ideas.

The other point I found interesting is that Putnam says areas with a higher level of diversity tend to have lower levels of social trust.  I can understand this, because people will tend to trust those who are more like them as opposed to those who are different, usually because they feel more comfortable around them.  They feel that if you share their background and culture, you will understand each other better, and that you can trust them more than someone who might not understand your culture.  I personally feel that this is a sad, just because I am a naturally trusting person, but I do understand the reasoning behind why people will feel this way.

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