Sewing Women 1-4

The differences between the Chinese and Korean garment factories were very interesting. The Chinese factories hired mostly Chinese women. They were less formal and family-like; close relations were formed between workers and supervisors. My grandmother, former garment worker, formed close bonds with several co-workers, whom she still keeps close contact with. The Chinese view everyone in the factory as in the same situation as themselves. The workers were even allowed to bring their children to work.

The Korean factories, on the other hand, were much more strict. They hired mostly Hispanic workers. Workers were expected to obey the rules: produce the quota amount of garments for the day and worked a certain number of hours each day. They did not have the relaxed, family-like environment the Chinese had.

There are pros and cons to these two factory environments. It is more relaxing and lenient in the Chinese factories. Workers have much more leeway in their work but receive lower wage because of the piece-work pay structure. The workers in Korean factories are under much more stress but are payed more because of the hourly rate wages.

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