Fall for Dance

There were so many great performances and shows we visited this semester and I would definitely watch a few of them again; however, one of the most memorable performances would be Fall for Dance. I thoroughly enjoyed watching so many different dances in one sitting, it was a whole package deal. The show wasn’t too long or repetitive (except for some of the actual dances) with many little intermissions to get up and stretch, talk with your neighbor about the music or dance you just watched. It was a totally different experience from watching a performance in one two hour sitting, which can be pretty exhausting even for a really interesting plot. What was most memorable about this performance were the dances by the Alvin Ailey Am. Dance Co. Their fun interactive dances with grooving music, contrasted with their darker dances and made it the most diverse performance of that night. This dance performance at City Center was something I really looked forward to when I saw the syllabus and I was not disappointed. Not to mention we had the chance to take a picture with Sebastian Ramirez and Honji Wang after the show.

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