Author: Leslie Epps

Andreas Feininger – Aerial View of Manhattan (1944


In this photo, Feininger depicts an aerial view of Manhattan. Within this depiction, Feininger highlights the contrast between chaos and order in the city. The photo features a stunning composition of towering skyscrapers within the grid layout of the city. By capturing this scene at an offset angle, Feininger also exaggerates the soaring heights of the city as the angle allows the viewers to see the massiveness of the buildings within the city. Much like this photo, New York City is an interesting and vast combination of chaos and order, and Feininger successfully illustrates this within the photo.

Andreas Feininger – Elevated Railroad Structure on the Bowery (1941)


This photograph illustrates the wonder the city holds within a single moment. Feininger captures a dynamic black and white photo of a train moving over a street in New York City. The juxtaposition of the shadows and the sunlight below the railroad tracks create an interesting composition that shows that an instant in New York City contains beauty and tranquility. Through this composition, the photo emphasizes an important aspect of living in New York City – taking a moment to pause within the commotion of the city reveals the wonder the city holds and the peace it can create.