Posts Tagged ‘neighborhood’

The Peopling of New York City

January 15, 2014

The Peopling of New York City Professor: Gabriel Haslip-Viera ITF: Aaron Kendall Campus: City College URL: Students investigated the role of immigration and migration in the shaping of New York’s identity – past, present, and future, through oral history interviews and neighborhood research projects. The projects were carried out individually and with little structuring, […]

2014 | 2013, Aaron Kendall, African American, All The Sites, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Chinese, Christian, City College, Dominican, East Asian, Flushing, Gabriel Haslip-Viera, GoogleMaps, Greenwich Village, Harlem, iMovie, Irish, Italian, Lower East Side, Manhattan, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Upper East Side, video, WordPress | Tags: , , , , , , , Comments (0)