Ever since I was a little girl, I have always had a love for performance productions whether it’d be on the streets or a show on Broadway. However, I never had the opportunity to watch an opera and so I had great expectations for the production of Carmen. I wasn’t sure what to expect but as soon as I laid eyes on the beautiful building of the Lincoln Center and attire of the people there, I got the sense that this was a lot more sophisticated than the shows that I have seen before.
As I took my seat, I noticed that the curtain was filled black with one striking red line running up it. Thankfully, because of the research we did prior to the show, I was able to understand that the red line exemplified Carmen herself. Red, the color of sexuality and desire, represents Carmen’s promiscuity.
The setting of the stage was absolutely stunning. The two brick walls that had to be at least two stories high broke apart and aligned with ease and smoothness. The costumes worn by the performers were beautiful as well, even the ones worn by the lower class. I really liked how the costumes easily defined the social status of every character. The cigarette factory workers wore duller colors whereas the high standing characters, more specifically, Escamillio, wore bright colors with expensive accessories like fur and feather.
Music played a huge role throughout the entire opera, well, obviously. The way in which soprano and tenor were assigned to Carmen and Don Jose, respectively, musically illustrated their relationship has woman and man. The soprano part that was sung by Micaela showed competition between her and Carmen as women who both desired Don Jose’s love. My favorite part musically was how they utilized the flute to represent delicateness and femininity of Mercedes and Frasquita.
I thoroughly enjoyed Bizet’s production of Carmen and I’m glad that this was my first experience watching an opera.
I am belatedly posting my poem that I had written on the day we met Mr. Saeed Jones. Mr. Jones’s encouragement along with hearing the poet himself inspired me to create my own poem. My poem, “The Shoe”, similarly follows the format of “The Blue Dress” by Saeed Jones.
a shoe is art,
is a shield
is an expression of individuality
is a gateway to adventure and shares all experiences that would be unattainable without them,
is a collectors item,
is a riot producer,
is a brainwasher,
is a murder-causer,
with its absence life wouldn’t be the same
Lines 6, 7, and 8 are similar in a sense that they have to do with the sneaker-head culture. I chose the words “riot producer”, “brainwasher” and “murder-causer” because in the past, people used to gather outside a shoe store starting the day before a release in order to get the chance to secure a pair. These gatherings would turn into riots due to people cutting other people and also the hype that is built around a shoe- similar to a door opening on Black Friday. This hype surrounding the shoes brainwash people into spending ridiculous amounts of money on them and cause them to waste their day away waiting on line. Specifically, the powerful word “murder” was used because on several accounts, people all over the world have been killed over the shoes on their feet. Usually in robberies people have died trying not to give in their prized possessions. This is not just a new thing that is happening. In 1989, Michael Thomas was found “strangled in the woods near his school by seventeen-year-old James David Martin”. Another example of similar occurrence is seen in December of 2012, when twenty-two year old Joshua Woods was shot and killed by three men in an attempted robbery. Shoes are not just the things that you wear everyday on your feet to get around, but they have formed a culture and can also be sold for profit. Wherever there is money involved, there is danger.
As a person who grew up in the 21st Century surrounded by vast media entertainment such as cable television and the internet, I had never seen an opera before and I believed them to be boring. As a result, when I walked into the Metropolitan Opera, went up the spiral, red stairs, through the narrow halls, and sat down in my seat to watch Act 1 of Carmen, I was not expecting much. Three and a half hours later, I clapped for three minutes straight.
The best aspect of Carmen was the music. It told the story; it expressed anger; it signaled the entrance of a character; it expressed innocence. The music of Carmen established the tone for every scene and revealed every message to the point where all a person needed was good hearing to understand everything. I watched the majority of Act 1 without my translating monitor turned on (I did not realize what all those rectangular things were). However, I was still able to understand and feel the emotions of the characters because of the orchestra and the music they played.
The role of the orchestra’s music in Carmen revealed to me that the nature of a opera’s success is a duality. Success depends as much on the actors on the stage performing with all the passion in their bodies as the conductor, the violinists, the flutists and the rest of the orchestra playing their instruments in harmony to define the tone of a scene through their music.
Overall, I do not regret the three and a half hours I used Tuesday night to watch Carmen. Rather, I was delightfully surprised with how enjoyable the experience was. Before the event, all I had on my mind was stress, thoughts about presentations and tests coming up soon and how I could be using my time then to prepare and study. However, once I sat down, all those feelings were gone and the only thing in my mind was how good Carmen was. I hope I can go see another opera one day.
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