Subway Station Mosaic

041My favorite part of taking the F Train is being able to see the colorful mosaics located in the Delancey Street Station every time I pass by the stop.


040My personal favorite is this vivid glass, mosaic by Ming Fay  called Shad Crossing.  The mosaic depicts two shad fish, side by side, as they swim across a body of water. What I love about this is how colorful the entire mosaic is; every color of the rainbow and a different shade of each of those colors are used to create such a harmonious and joyful blend. It always feels calming looking at this mosaic every time I am going home after classes.


In addition, I really appreciate the historical value of  Shad Crossing and how it is reflective of the local immigrant community in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The shad fish was a staple to many of the immigrant’s diets when they first arrived and it symbolizes the immigrants themselves as they too had to travel across a large body of water in order to arrive in America.

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