Paintings Around Baruch

I had not noticed this when I first entered Baruch, but the Newman Vertical Campus can be both a college building and a museum.

When we go to museums such as the Metropolitan or the Guggenheim, we enter through the doors with a mindset of expecting to see great pieces of art. When we go to Baruch, we go through the turnstiles focusing on our next class or thinking about a paper due in a week; looking at art is probably not our main focus. However, on the walls of the Newman Vertical Campus, much like on the walls of the Metropolitan or the Guggenheim, there are some great paintings that I always notice and take a few seconds to look at before entering the classroom.


Doing some last minute practice for my speeches for Speech Communication, I always sit in front of this painting.



Going up the escalators to my large Introductory to Business Lecture, I notice these paintings

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Exiting the 8th floor escalators to my English class, I pass by these colorful paintings.











There are probably so many more great paintings throughout the building that I have never seen before and that just shows how the Newman Vertical Campus can be, in a way, a museum.

Feel free to share or describe any paintings or works of art that you always notice on your way to classes!