Superhero Shoes?


Today I was browsing through the list of sports websites I usually keep track of when I noticed this link to a shoe blog. This blog actually had pictures of existing shoes that were redesigned through the inspiration of different superheroes. The designer for these conceptual shoes was Patso Dimitrov. He took some of the best selling basketball shoes made by Nike and came up with designs that were inspired by superheroes such as Ironman and Batman. I took an immediate interest in the designs, despite not really having any prior interest in shoe design in the past. Perhaps the connection that these shoes had to other fields made me more interested in them.


Upon looking up more of Patso’s conceptual designs, I found out that he also came up with other concept shoes in the past. His previous shoe designs were inspired by some of the rap albums that has been released over the years. What made his shoes stand out so much was the use of colors and motifs related to whatever thing he was inspired by. Despite not being a sneakerhead, I definitely look forward to any future designs by Patso and would love to own some pairs of sneaker with designs on them.



Here is two of the links from which I found his concept shoe designs.d

NBA Signature Shoes x Rap Albums