Yulia Brodskaya

Yulia Brodskaya is an artist and illustrator, widely recognized for her elegant and detailed paper illustrations. Each of her masterpiece creations are made by hand – intricate swirls of colored paper coming together to form true works of artyulia-brodskaya-tumblr

I was first introduced to Brodskaya’s work when Google Chrome came out with their personalized themes for users. One of the themes featured Brodskaya’s paper bird and delicate leaves. I found this art form incredibly intriguing, wondering how someone could create such detail by simply twirling paper. After a few Google searches, I found and endless supply of paper “quilling” (as Pinterest users called it) inspiration to view.chrome-bird

Brodskaya started off as a graphic designer, but quickly abandoned the digitalized drawings for paper ones – that is drawing WITH paper.

“Paper always held a special fascination for me. I’ve tried many deferent methods and techniques of working with it, until I found the way that has turned out to be ‘the one’ for me: now I draw with paper instead of on it”.

Yulia found her passion in paper illustrations and quickly found fame thanks to her unique talents. She is represented all over the world through different clients, having work featured in magazine covers, in offices, advertisements, and more.  yulia_brodskaya_03

You can view more of her work on her website.

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