The following sets out general policies and procedures (rev. 5/18) for faculty teaching Macaulay Honors College Seminars. Please consult with Joseph Ugoretz, Senior Associate Dean and Chief Academic Officer for more specific information.

I. Laptop
II. Curriculum Enrichment
III. Honoraria

I. Laptop

In exchange for agreeing to teach a Macaulay Seminar over three semesters and to aid you in your course development and delivery, you are entitled to receive a laptop computer as a loan. The laptop is lent to you with the understanding that you will return it when you are no longer employed by CUNY (or for the usable life of the computer). In accepting the laptop you agree to participate in CUNY’s annual asset inventory. You must apply directly to Joseph Ugoretz, Chief Academic Officer, if you wish to receive this benefit.

II. Curriculum Enrichment

Macaulay can make modest expenditures in support of the Seminar curriculum and will entertain requests for the purchase of materials to enrich the curriculum. For example,Seminar 2 faculty requested that a video resource library be set up and submitted a list of recommended videos. Macaulay ordered the videos and established a video/DVD collection housed at Macaulay for the use of faculty. If you wish to borrow a video for your class, contact Amanda Hick to make arrangements to pick it up.

If you have ideas for curriculum enrichment, make a request in writing to Lisa Brundage. Please make arrangements with her for Macaulay to make these purchases on your behalf. We cannot reimburse faculty for out of pocket expenses.

Please note that the TOTAL amount available for any one seminar 2, 3, or 4 section is $500. (This includes both honoraria for guest speakers and any other expenses).

III. Honoraria

Macaulay Honors College will pay a modest ($150) honorarium to a guest speaker in Macaulay Seminars. The usual number of speakers is two, but if you feel a third speaker is important to your course, please apply to the Joseph Ugoretz, Chief Academic Officer, for additional funding. If a speaker is addressing two seminars at once, we can double the fee.

If you wish to have a guest speaker in your class, follow this procedure:
• Prior to issuing an invitation, inform Joseph Ugoretz of the name and affiliation of the speaker and your rationale for inviting her/him. Specify the dollar amount of the honorarium requested.
• Once your invitation has been authorized in writing, you may issue it.
• Complete the form to request the honorarium and be sure to have the speaker fill out the correct honorarium forms.
• Include a copy of your syllabus, showing the speaker on the appropriate date, and your class roster if these were not previously submitted via email. A flyer announcing the event (with speaker, date, class, title of talk) may be substituted if the speaker is not listed on your syllabus.

Important Note about honoraria–The processing of honoraria for guest speakers is very lengthy and complicated.  Your speakers should be warned that it will take a very long time for them to receive a check.  6-9 months is not unusual, and it can take longer.  Whenever possible, you should ask speakers to donate their time pro bono.  If they do need the honorarium, please be sure they understand that the length of the process is not our choice, and we completely understand how unpleasant it can be to wait so long.

Let’s emphasize this–it is EXTREMELY difficult and time-consuming to pay honoraria.  If this is going to cause a problem, PLEASE do NOT offer or promise an honorarium.  In fact, it is probably best just to assume that we can not pay any honoraria.  That will prevent disappointment.

The same basic procedure is to be followed for Seminar 1 tickets to cultural events, Seminar 2 walking tour guides, Seminar 3 fieldtrips, etc. For all Seminars, Amanda Hick will provide support in making arrangements.

Please note that the TOTAL amount available for any one seminar 2, 3, or 4 section is $500. (This includes both honoraria for guest speakers and any other expenses).