Homage and Homecoming: Kwanzaa 2017

This was a very interesting and intimate event. When I first walked in I was met with different stands either selling or displaying different cultural items. Each table has a unique sense to them and it was interesting to speak to the people at these tables.

I was late to the event, however, I knew I was walking into something very intimate from the beginning. There were multiple types of instruments on stage. Multiple from different African cultures, one of which I recognized as the talking drums. It was amazing how well these instruments could be transformed into multiple sounds and have multiple purposes in the totality of the performance.

I felt as if the show could’ve been more successful with more coverage of it. It was obvious not many people knew about it, considering I had only found out that night. It was breathtaking to watch the performers play their instruments and have beautiful sounds come out of it.

I myself play some instruments and I remember the feeling I would experience on stage while playing. It was an amazing feeling being able to hear everything but still feel serene. It was like a room that is so silent you could hear your own heart beating. It’s an out of body experience and I definitely felt that through the experience this night.

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