The lesson that prepared us for the lab was extremely interesting because I knew many of the terms but never knew that they were related. An example being finding out that salicylic acid which is something I have found in numerous acne treatments is a component to making aspirin. We also learned that aspirin and heroin had a similar chemical composition which got me thinking about drug development which we had talked about in class. As well as scientific uncertainty because at the time nobody knew how dangerous heroin was since it was so similar to aspirin. Prior to going to the lab, I was excited to do a science experiment since it had been such a long time since I had done one and because we spent so much time discussing its origin I felt like I finally understood what was going on in a science class. While in the lab I worked alongside Mark and we set of goal of having the most orange results after testing which would mean that we had pure aspirin. Unfortunately, we had a tinge of purple in our test tube which meant that there was still some salicylic acid left but it was a great learning experience and taught me about the importance of perfection and trial and error when it comes to synthesizing drugs.