This IDC class was different than my previous ones. This class focused more on a scientific aspect in terms of healthcare innovations. The main innovations we discussed were aspirin and soap. I enjoyed having actual lab times to make these innovations because they are household objects that we can make from household materials. The lab instructions were easy to follow and the reports were not complicated to complete.

The projects and assignments taught me the significance of hard work and teamwork. My group drafted our final poster for STEAM about four times, so I felt  happy and content to see our hard work on the BioBlitz project on a physical poster. Our class presentations also helped prepare us for the actual STEAM festival. However, I think these projects and other assignments could have gone in a slightly better direction. In my opinion, having each report due after a week of the first report was a bit stressful to get done at the best of our ability. I feel like more time between each report could have been beneficial since we would have had more time to make our reports as amazing as possible. Nonetheless, I did enjoy this IDC class. Dr Greer and Jake made this class as enjoyable as possible.