Dr. Edyta Greer, Baruch College

Author: Harmeet Kaur

Blog Entry 3

This IDC class was different than my previous ones. This class focused more on a scientific aspect in terms of healthcare innovations. The main innovations we discussed were aspirin and soap. I enjoyed having actual lab times to make these innovations because they are household objects that we can make from household materials. The lab instructions were easy to follow and the reports were not complicated to complete.

The projects and assignments taught me the significance of hard work and teamwork. My group drafted our final poster for STEAM about four times, so I felt  happy and content to see our hard work on the BioBlitz project on a physical poster. Our class presentations also helped prepare us for the actual STEAM festival. However, I think these projects and other assignments could have gone in a slightly better direction. In my opinion, having each report due after a week of the first report was a bit stressful to get done at the best of our ability. I feel like more time between each report could have been beneficial since we would have had more time to make our reports as amazing as possible. Nonetheless, I did enjoy this IDC class. Dr Greer and Jake made this class as enjoyable as possible.

Blog Post 2

I thought that the Aspirin lab was interesting. It was different than most of the stuff I have done in any lab room because there seemed to be a more real-life application to it. Aspirin is something that everyone in America has at least taken once in their life. Thus, learning to make such a compound felt more real to me than finding the molarity of NaOH. In addition, the procedure was explained pretty well and in a cool manner. Most of my lab professors or teachers take an hour or so explaining the lab in boring details, while this lab was quick and to the point. However, I think that there should have been a bit more time to complete the lab. It felt like we needed to rush, but we do only have a limited class time. The only sad part is that I couldn’t make a perfect aspirin. Nonetheless, I would be lying if I didn’t feel like I was in Breaking Bad for a moment. This lab has also peaked my interest in chemistry. I am also in awe of how scientists were even able to think of such an innovation. There must have been many experiments, observations, and trials the researchers must have conducted before thinking of transforming salicylic acid to aspirin.

Annotated Sources – Harmeet, Ayelet, Pabvitraa

Group Members: Harmeet Kaur, Ayelet Segal, Pabvitraa Ramcharan

  1. Xianjin He, Enqing Hou, Yang Liu, and  Dazhi Wen. 2016. “Altitudinal patterns and controls of plant and soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry in subtropical China”. Scientific Reports. April 7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4823659/

    The authors of this paper work at the Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems, South China Botanical Garden, China. All of the authors have written other research papers regarding nutrients found in the soil and food in China and in other regions and about different effects of climate change around the world. This study was published in Scientific Reports Journal, which is part of the larger Nature International Journal of Science. The head of Scientific Reports is Anna Treadway who is a senior publisher with over 16 years of experience publishing scientific research.  The researchers in this study determined the effect altitude has on certain nutrients found in subtropical China’s forest floor litter, fine roots, mineral soil, and soil microbial biomass. They tested for Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous and found that while Carbon and Nitrogen concentrations increased as the altitude got higher, Phosphorus levels decreased. The article also mentioned how mountains are a great indicator of telling how altitude affects soil because of the leveled terrain. Additionally, they discussed the importance of climate change at different levels, like the difference in the number of organisms found in certain areas. Precipitation can cause a species to thrive allowing for certain vegetation to grow and be a source of nutrition, but weather can also impede growth if the soil is too cold or too warm. Their conclusion was that all ecosystems differ and therefore the effect altitude has on soil nutrition is different everywhere. This is a helpful source as we are focusing on NYC specifically and not a broader region. They also provided four informative graphs showing the relationship between the temperature of the soil, the pH of the soil, water content, and water absorption in the soil when graphed with the altitude. Although this data does not apply to NYC, it shows how research on this topic has been done before in different regions and it gives insight into the different aspects we should consider before posing a hypothesis about altitude’s effect.
  2. Vigdis Torsvik, LiseØvreås. 2002. “Microbial Diversity and Function in Soil: From Genes to Ecosystems”. June 1. Elsevier: Current Opinion in Microbiology 5, Issue 3, pg 240-245. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1369-5274(02)00324-7Elsevier is a peer reviewed science journal with different subcategories including Microbiology. The Editors in chief are Judith Armitage, a British Biochemist at Oxford University and Virginia L Miller, who works for the Microbiology and Immunology Department of University of North Carolina.  The authors of the paper, work in the Biological Sciences Department at the University of Bergen, Norway. The purpose of their research was to explore the diversity of the microorganisms found in soil, as they believed that a lot is still unknown and needs to be discovered. They mentioned that in one gram of soil 10 billion microorganisms of thousands of different species can exist. Soil is very complex and has a lot of different diffing characteristics. Microorganisms interact and affect each other just as much as they interact with their surroundings. For example, they found that microbial diversity in areas with small soil particles was higher than that in areas with larger soil particles. Competitive interactions also control microbial community structure and diversity as they all need to fight to sustain themselves. This source can be helpful in supplying us with some background information about how microorganisms interact without the added variable of altitude difference. Before we can make any conclusions we first have to learn the basics of the diversity of microorganism diversity and how they act.
  3. Janna Pietikäinen, Marie Pettersson, Erland Bååth. 2005. “Comparison of temperature effects on soil respiration and bacterial and fungal growth rates”. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 52, Issue 1. Pg 49-58. March 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.femsec.2004.10.002All of the authors of this paper work at the Department of Microbial Ecology in Lund University, Sweden. The publishing journal, FEMS Microbiology, publishes a wide range of articles about microorganisms in soil, aquatic and atmospheric environments. The Editor in Chief, Max Häggblom, works at the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at Rutgers University, New Jersey. This research was specific and was directed at the effect temperature has on fungi and bacteria in particular. The researchers measured the respiration rate and growth rate of both organisms at various temperatures and different starting pHs of soil. Altitude is directly related to temperature so this would help support our research. Fungi and Bacteria showed higher growth rates at temperatures around 25–30 °C. The opposite was seen at lower temperatures. The respiration rate increased over the temperature range showing the highest value at around 45 °C. This source can be helpful in our research if we want to do a subcategory on just bacteria or fungi and narrow our views.  We will not be using their data, however this is a good starting point to review others work regarding a similar topic and how they went about their experiment to get accurate results.
  4. Bohlen, Patrick J., Peter M. Groffman, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, and Thomas G. Siccama. 2001. “Plant-Soil-Microbial Interactions in a Northern Hardwood Forest.” Ecology 82, no. 4: 965-78. doi:10.2307/2679896.This peer reviewed article has multiple authors who are  associated with an institute or university.  Bohlen is associated with the Agro-Ecology Research Center, Groffman with the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Driscoll with Syracuse University (the department of civil and environmental engineering), Fahey with Cornell University (department of natural resources), and Siccama with Yale University. They conducted their own experiment, in which they were able to compare various factors to microbial biomass such as elevation. Some of the findings they found were that microbial biomass can be useful as an indicator in the differences in N cycling within ecosystem and that different horizons affect microbial biomasses. They also found that there are greater rates of N cycling at higher elevations. Since our project focuses on seeing how or if elevation affects the abundance and diversity of microorganisms, this will be a good resource to incorporate into our data and as a way to understand our data as well. We can also find a way to incorporate N cycling to our project.
  5. McGuire, Krista L., et al. 2013. “Digging the New York City Skyline: Soil Fungal Communities in Green Roofs and City Parks.” PLOS ONE. March 1. http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0058020.There are many authors of this source, but they are all associated with institutions such as the Barnard College of Columbia, Columbia University, Fordham University, and the Cooperative Institute of Research in Environmental Sciences. They also belong to the department of biology and/or the department of environmental science.  This article focused on comparing soil fungal community mediums on green roofs in New York City to the soil microbial composition in parks within the boroughs. They found that green roofs had multiple diverse fungal communities; however, there were a greater diversity in the microbial communities in the parks. Overall, their results suggest that fungi can play a role in supporting green roofs. This source is useful for our project because, even though we might not be using their data, we are able to understand more about the topic and the research that is already out there. The source even acknowledges elevation as a factor in microbial diversity.
  6. Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Angela M. Oliverio, Tess E. Brewer, Alberto Benavent-Gonzalez, David J. Eldridge, Richard D. Bardgett, Fernando T. Maestre, Brajesh K. Singh, and Noah Fierer. (2018). “A Global Atlas of the Dominant Bacteria Found in Soil.” Science 359, no. 6373. January 19: 320-25. doi:10.1126/science.aap9516.Noah Fierer is a Ph.D fellow and professor in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department at the University of Colorado. He, as well as a team of post doctorate, graduate students,  and research technicians known as “Fierer Lab,” attempt to investigate and discover the structures of microbial communities in order to understand their purposes. Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, for example, is a postdoctoral student for the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado. He specializes in fields such as soil microbial ecology and terrestrial ecosystem ecology. Along with his and the vast experience of the team, Fierer Lab explains the core functions of microorganisms and why they believe it is important to identify many of these unknown microbes in the soil. For a total of 237 locations within six continents, which yields thousands of unidentified microbes, the researchers catalogued each new microbe and attempted to understand the functionality and commonness of each one. The scientists found that in half of the soil, only 2% of the bacteria were accounted for and sought to create a list of 511 dominant unknown microbes, such as those of proteobacteria. This article would allow us to understand the true functions of soil microbes, which phylotypes are dominant, and how they benefit the ecosystem and humans, such as the fact that they impact our food by creating fertile soils, growing plants, and consuming and releasing carbon dioxide. It would also help us in understanding why some soil microbes are found in certain areas and why others are not. This eliminates the unanimous contribution of all microbes and focuses on individual ones.
  7. Faoro, H., A. C. Alves, E. M. Souza, L. U. Rigo, L. M. Cruz, S. M. Al-Janabi, R. A. Monteiro, V. Baura, and F. O. Pedrosa. (2010). “Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, no. 1, July, 4744-749. doi:10.1128/AEM.03025-09.Helisson Faoro, a Ph.D fellow and expert in fields such as Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Molecular Biology at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation’s Gene Expression Regulation Laboratory in Brazil, along with his fellow co-authors A.C. Alves, E.M. Souza, L.U. Rigo, L.M. Cruz, S. M. Al-Janabi, R.A. Monteiro, V.A. Baura, and F.O Pedrosa, are all credible experts in their fields. They analyzed bacterial diversity in the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest by collecting soil samples at different altitudes within the forest, such as coastal, submontane, montane, and high montane. After isolating the microorganisms from the soil sample, the scientists found that less diverse bacterial communities were associated with a lower soil pH and lower altitudes. The dominant phylum found included 25.2 % Proteobacteria and 63% Acidobacteria while more than 99% of the species are unidentifiable. Soils with clay have more diverse bacterial communities than those with silt or sand while human activity may account for the lower bacterial diversity at lower altitudes. This study allows us to understand the impact of human activity on the environment, specifically the microorganism communities, distinguish how soil characteristics and types directly impact the microorganism abundance at low, intermediate, and high altitudes, and how such microorganisms are able to survive at extreme altitudes. This may also help us determine the microorganisms’ impact on us, especially due to climate change.
  8. Siles, José A., and Rosa Margesin. (2016). “Abundance and Diversity of Bacterial, Archaeal, and Fungal Communities Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Alpine Forest Soils: What Are the Driving Factors?” Microbial Ecology 72, no. 1 July, 207-20. doi:10.1007/s00248-016-0748-2.José A. Siles is currently a Ph.D research associate at the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at the University of California, Berkeley while Rosa Margesin, who received her Ph.D in Microbiology at University of Innsbruck is a professor in their area of expertise at the university. Taking climate change into account during spring and autumn, the experts designated four forest sites 545 to 2000 m above sea level in the Italian Alps, characterized by factors such as soil temperature, physicochemical properties like total nitrogen count, and microbial activities like respiration. Ultimately, they discovered that higher altitudes with lower soil temperatures yielded more organic soils with more nutrients, more abundance of microorganisms like fungi and bacteria, but less microbial activities. Archaeal communities did not significantly change abundance due to differing attitudes. This peer-reviewed journal would allow us to understand that although altitude is our independent variable, it may be impacted by other variables such as season, soil pH, soil physicochemical properties, and temperature so we should take those into account. However, the study points out that these factors are correlations, not causations. It also distinguishes the types, or communities of microorganisms, making it easier for us to characterize the data.  Scatter plots and charts represented the data, so this would help us in determining how we would represent our own BioBlitz data.

HI Proposal- Portable Laser

Group Members: Harmeet Kaur, Ayelet Segal, Pabvitraa Ramcharan

Open wounds are injuries with external or internal tissues exposed to the air. The four main types of wounds are: abrasions (skin scrapes), lacerations (deep cuts), punctures (holes in the skin), and avulsions (tearing away of tissues and skin). Minor types of open wounds are usually treated with sterile bandaging at home, while others require serious medical attention such as sutures, skin glue, and a tetanus shot. Overall, disinfection and cauterizing the open wound is necessary regardless of the type of injury. Without cauterization, the wound is left susceptible to the external environment, which may cause infections. Not to mention, the possibility of excessive bleeding. Without proper treatment, infections can lead to a high fever, a wound that won’t heal, lockjaw, necrotizing fasciitis, and Cellulitis. Therefore, the healthcare problem that we want to address is the lack of response time in cauterizing and disinfecting open wounds. That’s because with this lack of response time, open wounds become infected. Thus, the niche of our innovation focuses on the portability aspect of the innovation because many individuals get involved in fatal or serious accidents that cause serious avulsions. While waiting for the EMTs to arrive, a person can bleed out to death. However, with a portable cauterizing laser, these wounds are able to close and become disinfected before the response team arrives, stabilizing the bleeding. This innovation would help save lives and make the emergency response more efficient.

While the U.S. military is attempting to use similar technology, they have not created any such device that may be widely used on the battlefield yet. The Air Force’s research agency, Darpa, has proposals for the development of such lasers but has not made anything available to the public.  The lasers that do exists are not widely used yet, still need major improvements in effectiveness, are expensive to create, and result in minor to major infections.

One aspect that those who have already done background trials or observations regarding the idea encounter is, as mentioned before, keeping the wound sterile. Depending on the laser, wounds either become completely healed without the need for further care, infested with bacteria, or scarred from the cauterization process. According to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bruce Reid and plastic surgeon Dr. Miroslaw Stranc in their article “Healing of Infected Wounds following Iodine Scrub or CO2 Laser Treatment”, they found that using a CO2 laser to heal infected rabbit wounds was much more sterile than using an iodine scrub. However, three of the laser treatments did lead to sepsis in the wound. Although this was a better outcome than the 12 iodine scrubs that lead to sepsis, the CO2 laser may still lead to infection. Hence although more sterile than antiseptics, it is not a full proof laser to cauterize and heal open wounds in the long run. Yet, it may suffice for a portable laser wound healing device in the short run, at least until the patient can seek professional help at a hospital.  

Laser temperature is also imperative in cauterizing wounds since too high of a temperature may permanently damage the skin and leave scarring, while too low of a temperature may be ineffective in cauterizing the wound. In “LASERS- The Future of Suture,” Physics Professor Dr. Abraham Katzir and his team from Tel Aviv University have been experimenting with CO2 lasers using infrared fibers on ten human patients who underwent gallbladder removal. Some incisions were sutured while others were soldered with the CO2 laser. The team found that the ideal temperature to create tight bonding and minimal scarring in the tissue was between the narrow range of 60 to 65 degrees Celsius. Yet, this is a small sample size and patient variability might be massive in future trials, especially with variances in wound size, wound deepness, and wound tissue. Therefore we propose increasing the laser temperature proportionally to the wound temperature to minimize the risk of overheating or under heating the tissue.

Biodegradability would certainly reduce costs and scarring, as well as invalidate the need for sutures or staples to close wounds. However, lasers are limited to their extent in penetrating the skin since most can only reach the surface of the skin. This brings cause to wonder how exactly the cauterization laser would tackle the deep wound healing aspect, like bullet holes, of the health care innovation idea. According to BBC Senior Science Journalist Richard Gray in his article, “Is This the End of Stitches? Lasers Close Wounds and Cut Scarring,” scientists at St. Andrews University have created a biodegradable optical fiber that allows laser light to penetrate about one inch into the skin. Within 15 minutes, the green light from the laser would release a medical dye into the wound, which would unite collagen molecules. The optical insert would then be absorbed by the skin since it would not be made of glass.

Unfortunately, this has only been tested on pig skin and not in a clinical setting since there are still many safety concerns regarding the toxicity of the laser healing the wound from the inside, and the absorption rate of the  optical fiber material. Therefore, the portable laser should be supplemented by a flexible and soluble polymer based optical fiber that would not require a second surgery if it implants or breaks off into the wound. This would also increase response time as the EMT worker for example, can disperse the laser evenly across the wound.

Lastly, portability is a must. Most everyday lasers come in the form of laser pointers while others, such as those found in medical offices, are heavy and useless unless plugged into a power source.

Our solution to the problem of delayed response time in cauterizing and disinfecting open wounds is a portable laser. As mentioned before, the idea of a laser has been thought of, but there is a lack of efficiency or completion with this innovation. Moreover, our innovation focuses more on the portability aspect, which comes in many forms. For instance, the laser won’t be huge or hooked up to wires. Instead, it would be something that can be handheld or easy to carry. In fact, we are planning to structure the laser in such a way that it can even be attached to a keychain. By making the laser more portable, there is an easier access to the laser when necessary. This helps decrease the danger present in delayed response times with EMTs. Overall, the laser works to cauterize the wounds through disinfection and closing the wound to prevent bleeding out. Of course, this is not a substitute for entire medical attention. Instead, it stabilizes patients during the time between getting injured and meeting the medical professional.

Our laser wound healer has huge potential for success. Our device would be small, user friendly, chargeable in any outlet and best of all, instant! Currently, many laser therapies to heal wounds involve a special doctor’s visit and are used on wounds that have tried, but cannot heal themselves. This device would eliminate the middleman and cure the wound on the spot. There have been previous attempts of other technological devices to quickly heal up wounds, but they have not become mainstream just yet. We will use recycled material to make the products, showing the eco friendly and inexpensive side of our idea.  


Healthcare Innovation

Project Name: “Portable Laser Device to Cauterize Wounds”

Partners: Ayelet Segal and Pabvitraa Ramcharan

Primary Sources:

Mahama, Mohammed-Najeeb, et al. 2018. “Emergency Response Time and Pre-hospital Trauma Survival Rate of the National Ambulance Service, Greater Accra (January – December 2014).” BMC Emergency Medicine. https://bmcemergmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12873-018-0184-3.

The authors of this publication are Mohammed-Najeeb Mahama, Ernest Kenu, Delia Akosua Bandoh, and Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah. Mohammed-Najeeb Mahama and Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah are affiliated with the National Ambulance Service in Accra, Ghana. Delia Akosua Bandoh and Ernest Kenu are affiliated with the Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, and University of Ghana in Accra, Ghana. The main point of this article is that delayed or longer response time in emergency responses leads to high trauma in patients survival rate. This article is useful because it illustrates the need for fast emergency response time, which the main purpose of the portable laser. That’s because it provides care on the spot rather than wasting time bringing patients into the hospital.


Samson, D, et al. 2004. “Wound‐Healing Technologies: Low‐Level Laser and Vacuum‐Assisted Closure: Summary.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11882/.

The authors of this article are D Samson, F Lefevre, and N Aronson. They have each written many other peer-reviewed scientific articles that can be found on ncbi. This article compares the effectiveness of two forms of cauterizing wounds (low‐level laser and vacuum‐assisted closure). The main point of the article is that there was not much of an effect on wound healing from these innovations, but there is still more research to be conducted. This is useful in our project because it show what we would need to incorporate and work on to make an effective laser.


Popular Source:

Roddick, Julie, and Valencia Higuera. 2018. “Open Wound.” Health Line. https://www.healthline.com/health/open-wound.

The authors of this article are Julie Roddick and Valencia Higuera, but it was also medically peer reviewed by Andrew Gonzalez MD, JD, MPH. Julie Roddick and Valencia Higuera have also written other scientific articles that have been professionally peer reviewed by those with medical degrees. This article describes what open wounds are, the different types of open wounds, and how they are normally treated. This source illustrates what our innovation is trying to solve. We can incorporate this information into the type of laser we will make so it can handle the different types of open wounds.

BioBlitz Research Project

Group Members: Harmeet Kaur, Ayelet Segal, Pabvitraa Ramcharan

  1. What is the final version of the question you are interested in asking? 
    1. How does altitude affect the abundance and diversity of microorganisms found in soil?
  2. List some keywords to use when searching for related scientific literature. Be specific!
    1. Microbial soil
    2. Effects of microorganisms on the environment
    3. Effect of altitude on microorganisms
    4. Importance of microorganisms
    5. Physicochemical properties of soil
  3. Where will your data come from? Do you need to collect new data? Please describe.
    1. Our data will come from previous BioBlitz data, as well as the data collected from this year’s BioBlitz. This year’s BioBlitz data for microbial soil will be available by the first week in November.
  4. What will you be measuring or comparing? What are the dependent and independent variables?
    1. We will be measuring the amount/diversity of microorganisms present within soil found at different altitudes.
    2. We will compare the abundance and diversity of microorganisms found on higher altitudes to those found on lower altitudes.
    3. The dependent variable is the amount of microorganisms, while the independent variable is the altitude those microorganisms are found on.
  5. Please make a list of your methods. If you are using existing BioBlitz data, you do not need to describe those data collection methods on this worksheet, but you do need to describe how you are extracting the relevant data from the entire BioBlitz data set.
    1. Soil sampling: collecting soil found at different altitudes and having the lab analyze them (lab work is taken care of by those in charge of BioBlitz)
    2. Researching the topic of how altitude affects the diversity and abundance of microorganisms found in soil.
    3. Applying previous years BioBlitz data to our data, by looking at all the microorganisms (and quantity of each) was found on different altitudes.
  6. Why is this question interesting to you? Why should others care about this topic?
    1. We don’t learn much about microorganisms in school. This may be due to the common phrase, “out of sight, out of mind” since the microorganisms are literally out of our minds as we cannot see them. So, this project helps us learn more about microorganisms and where we would be able to find more of them in soil. Others should care about this topic because microorganisms are important to our ecosystems. They break down substances, like dead plants, into simpler substances which release gases that are necessary for other organisms to survive.

Bandage for joints

It is hard to place a bandaid of your scraped knee or elbow without the bandaid not staying in place when you flex and relax. Not to mention, it doesn’t even stick in place. This innovation will be a new bandaid or bandage that is able to wrap around these types of joints without any inconvenience.

Blog Post 1

If I had to author an article in the NY Times or a comparable periodical on a scientific paper, I would pen it in such a way that it is appealing to the general audience while remaining scientifically sound. In order to accomplish this, I would include elements such as: images, charts or graphs that are explained in common terms, and quotes from the experimenters or experts in the field. The images would help illustrate the scientific topic at hand. For the case of my healthcare innovation article, the popular article had an image and video of nano-bots acting as a swarm, which helps the audience understand the innovation more. Popular media makes for a good representation for scientific research because it relates the scientific article to problems or applications that affect everyday people like medicine or cancer. I think authors should improve on adding more details about scientific article in terms of experimentation and results rather than just focusing on the abstract and introduction. In my research, I found the innovation of nanotechnology interesting because I only believed nano-bots to be part of Sci-Fi movies like “Big Hero Six.” So, to learn that scientists created nano-bots like what the villain Professor Robert Callaghan used in the movie sounded interesting to me. In addition, the fact that this innovation could be applied to helping fix blood clots or diseases seems innovative.

Paraphrase Exercise

In the United States, school nurses are faced with a dilemma when treating a student/patient. This dilemma results from the conflicting guidelines of emergency treatment from the patient’s health care provider, the school district, and the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. This results in confusion and may increase the risk of anaphylaxis due to the delay in proper treatment. In fact, recent studies show that there is a serious safety concern with this delayed or lack of treatment of severe reactions with epinephrine (Boyce et al., 2010; Carlisle et al., 2010; Fleischer et al., 2012; Nowak-Wegrzyn, 2012b). Thus, school nurses must work together with parents and healthcare providers to ensure the safety of their students.

The Use of New ‘Nano-Swarm’ Robots on Blood Clots

Popular Article:


Wang, Cat. “Hong Kong Scientists Develop New ‘nano-swarm’ Robots.” CNN. September
04, 2018. Accessed September 06, 2018.


Primary Source:


Yu, Jiangfan, Ben Wang, Xingzhou Du, Qianqian Wang, and Li Zhang. “Ultra-extensible
Ribbon-like Magnetic Microswarm.” Nature News. August 21, 2018. Accessed
September 06, 2018. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-05749-6#Sec12.