Week of 9/13/10


Am I a pig or a rabbit?

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6 Responses to 9/14/10

  1. paramjoat says:

    This is cute, but quite a conundrum. I have no idea.

  2. HAhaa loll I guess we’ll never know !

  3. Carol Cao says:

    OMG. Is that the same pig rabbit from a k-drama?
    I dunno if you even watched it but I swear there’s the same one on the show.
    I wanna steal it now!

  4. LOL it is! It’s from you’re beautiful hehehe….i got it last christmas and i sort of regret getting it that quickly because i bought it right when it came out so i paid a lot….if i had waited i would’ve have paid less but either way I love it! It’s the only drama memorabilia i have because they’re so expensive =P

  5. Carol Cao says:

    <3 My ultimate goal is to steal that from you (:

  6. HAHAHA lol if you can ever find my house i’d be surprised 😉

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