art in my community

Mineola on three, 1 2 3, MINEOLA!

Who are we? Mustangs, Who are we, Mustangs, Mustangs on three, 1 2 3, MUSTANGS!

Simple Chants and yet they capture the spirit of my community.

What community is this? Well it’s the town I lived in all my life, it’s the home i’ve always known, it’s Mineola, and we are the Mustangs.

When someone not from Mineola drives down Jericho Turnpike they probably wonder why the heck there’s a giant Mustang in front of a random building on a random street corner? That’s a perfectly normal question for someone not from Mineola to ask. In fact some people that live in Mineola wonder the same thing. But for many people who have lived here all their lives and have been active within the community, they know exactly what this statue means.

This statue captures the very essence of “Mustang Pride”. Whether you are a member of an athletic team in Mineola, or just someone who lives in the town you feel this sense of pride when you see this statue. To every person it may mean different things, and bring back different memories of our town.

To me, every time I see this statue I think of how proud I am to be able to call myself a former Mineola Mustang. The graduating class of Mineola High School 2010 truly was a family to me. Teachers agreed that our class was special, we all just got along and we truly resembled what a community was. We were all proud of the school we went to, and we were proud to be Mustangs. Whether it was shown in our athletics, where during the school year we had one of our most successful years in athletics, or in our music department where our Mustangs were State Champions, we supported eachother and were proud to represent our community.

A family is always there to support one another, and that’s exactly what our community was and did. When tragedy struck, and one of our very own Mineola Mustangs suddenly passed away overnight from natural causes our whole community came together and our Mustang Pride truly showed when everyone in the community gathered to support his family in a time of need and when on a school night 95% of our community showed up to our high school for a memorial ceremony that was arranged by the students we were all truly proud to call ourselves the Mustangs.

Even though I no longer am a Mustang, I still, as do many members of my community, support my Mustangs. I try to attend as many events as I can to support the new Mustangs in hope that they too will be successful in representing our community. It makes me so happy when I see my former team mates achieve their own goals. I guess I’ll always be a Mustang at heart and have that Mustang pride in me.

Although I’ll always be a Mustang at heart, I am now a Knight and look forward to being successful at Queens College and forming a new family =). Let’s go Knights!

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