Live Theater Against Movies and Television

I have never seen a play, or a musical, or an opera, or anything that can be classified as live theater. However, I have seen the flashing lights and the life- size posters on Broadway and heard my friends rave about the performances they have attended. I have seen enough to know that live theater is really something special and not such an ordinary form of art as movies and television.

Live theater is extraordinary because it can make everything, well, come to life. It is through this experience that theater can compete with mundane movies and television. For example, no matter how lifelike a 3-D movie may feel, you will never get closer to a 3-D experience than by seeing a spectacular live theater performance. My English teacher once told my class about a performance of The “Lion King” that he attended. My teacher said that the best part about this performance was the very end, when all the actors ran down the aisle. He got to see the costumes and the actors in a light that would not be possible in television or a movie. I also asked my friend what she enjoyed about her viewing of “The Lion King” and she said that the characters really came to life. According to my friend, there was a lot of strength and emotion behind the acting. The costumes and the strength of the actors are things that can go unnoticed in movies or television. However, live theater can use all these components to really make performances unforgettable.

The scenery is also a component that can be used to create an unforgettable performance. For example, people do not always pay attention to or appreciate the scenery while watching television or a movie. However, I think that people are forced to notice the scenery when watching a live theater performance because it can be a vital part of understanding the performance. People notice all the small details and pay careful attention to scene changes. My friend who saw “The Lion King” said she really enjoyed the scene changes and all the intricate details put into the scenery. I think that live theater really impresses people because when people notice the small details in the scenery and even the costumes, they know that it was all created by hand through endless hard work. I think that this sort of appreciation is necessary because people do not always see the beauty in someone’s artistic creation. Live theater provides people with a way of seeing that beauty.

I also think that live theater is necessary because it provides a different artistic and cultural experience than movies and television. For example, trashy shows, such as “Jersey Shore”, litter T.V. programming today. What great experience does one really get from such shows? However, when it comes to theater, you can create a show that is so different that it just would not be the same as a movie or television program. For example, only in live theater could one take the music of a world-famous rock band and turn it into a successful Broadway show. Only in live theater could someone combine music and talking ogres to create a great comedic show. I am focusing on musicals a lot, but my point is that anything is possible in live theater. All these great possibilities make for excellent experiences for people to remember and talk about.

When it comes to theater, in the words of Arthur Miller, “Unlike movies, unlike television, he (the audience member) may feel he has been present at an occasion”. This is the occasion that fills our lives with color and culture in a way that movies and television always cannot. This is live theater.

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One Response to Live Theater Against Movies and Television

  1. That’s totally true my dear! There is really something different from any other form of arts regarding to Theater. That different things what I loved the most. It is also a enjoyable thing to do.Thanks for sharing by the way!

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