
I don’t watch too many films and TV shows. I really don’t. I would rather go outside and walk around to enjoy what is left of the earth. When I do watch films and TV they usually pique my interest. One recent TV show that I watched with someone was a documentary on sex robots on Discovery Health. Yes, I know it sounds weird: Sex Robots. It wasn’t about sex, how to do it, why, and all that stuff, but rather, it was about men and their search for the perfect partner and reasons why they would want to have sex with humanoids and/or cyborgs. This is a fetish, a desire. This also is something that would not have happened centuries ago. This is part of a culture. There is a community out there who want that. Yet this is something that should not be condemned by anyone. You know the saying: To each his own.

Anyway, this show was, well, showing men who would want those robotic partners. They have their own personal reasons. All these reasons come mainly from insecurities. Others come from terrible experiences. There was a man who was mixed. In his childhood, because of his ethnic backgrounds, was beaten, abused, ridiculed, etc. Because of this abuse, the man has extremely low self-esteem and even though he would want a sex robot, he has gone on dates. The problem is that they don’t work one for personal reasons. I remember him saying: “No response is better than a negative response.” I can understand that but for him to be affected at such a level is worse than I imagined. I’m glad for that fact that he is still alive. Then there are other men who give their reasons for wanting a sex robot. They say that she (robot) will never leave you, won’t complain, get the pleasure whenever you want it without consent, and much more. These were the general responses.

The show also showed the advancement of the sex robots and that fact that there is a community out there. This is a refuge for those who aren’t sure about sharing this fetish of theirs. Because anything different from social norms can be looked down upon, the people who share this similar fetish keep it a secret. People could also humiliate them instead of trying to be open-minded and understanding their perspective.

This show exposes these men and their inventions in a light that doesn’t make fun of them nor does it embrace it. The purpose of it is to slowly expose the world to this idea so that when it comes out people won’t be so condescending even though they still will.

There were other parts of the show that subtlety showed that this fetish came out from technology and the alienation of humans to other humans. The show might be saying that this fetish arose from the lack of human-to-human contact and the lack of sociability towards other humans because of technology. Humans are more likely to converse and get their thoughts out through technology, as I am doing right now. By slowly alienating ourselves, humans are slowly losing themselves. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I hope it does.

Technology may be a great thing for this century and the next, but is it all necessary? Technology was created to make everyday tasks easier, simpler, and quicker so that people could finish their tasks earlier and have extra time for themselves. Instead, from what I see, this current society has become technology-dependent and we fill that time with more work. I’m not saying that it is a bad thing, but having anything in excess is not healthy. I know that I like to set some time to myself every other day away from technology as best as possible, but it’s difficult. I don’t want to lose myself in technology. Those men haven’t lost themselves in technology, yet I feel that they are disconnected from a part of society. Well, not disconnected from society, but rather, they don’t feel the need to have a human partner. The idea of technology making up a majority of our lives, for me, is slightly frightening. For the men, they may not have too much of a problem with it since it would benefit them and the creation of their partner(s).

Well, this cultural aspect of society today is steadily growing. I can see it becoming part of the norm even though it will take some time for people to accept the concept. I know I wouldn’t care if someone wants a sex robot. Why should that decision affect me in a way that I look down on another person?  Why should most things affect people’s thoughts of others?

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One Response to Pleasures?

  1. mariannal says:

    This is the strangest thing I’ve ever read. (well, skimmed)

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