
Wow, I can’t believe I can actually say I’ve ridden on a city bus, and been into the city more than once a year.

Unfortunately for me, before this class that’s what my life was like, I guess you could say that living in the suburbs really sheltered me.

The first exhibit that we had to go see at the Brooklyn Musuem, I remember getting ready to go out with a bunch of people from class, and when I told them that this was my first time going on a bus, they couldn’t believe it, but it was true, and now I can say that I’ve been on one more than once. I actually also thought that there was only a 1,2,3 subway, and now I’ve learned that there are not only many different numbers, but also letters (who would have thought?!).  A place that was so unknown and unfamiliar to me is now becoming more known to me, and I’m so glad that this class has given me the opportunity to become more cultured. I’m so glad that I can now consider myself to be considered a cultured individual, and I hope to continue to see new intriguing things.

My favorite performance that we saw this semester would have to be the opera that we saw, les Contes d’Hoffman, maybe it’s because it was the first and only opera that I have ever seen, or it could just be because there was so much going on on the stage, but for these reasons and many others it was my favorite performance of the semester! Everything was just so amazing, from the sights to the sounds, I felt that even though I was so tired, I could not help but pay attention. The opera truly provided my eyes with “eye candy”.  Although I couldn’t understand everything that was being said because it was in French, the language barrier was not an issue just because it was so beautiful to listen to and watch.

I could definitely see myself going to the opera again, and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to go to one this year.

Maybe next time we can actually all get dressed up in fur coats, top hats and bring monocles, now wouldn’t that be fun?!??

Although this was my favorite thing that we saw this semester, I wouldn’t say that this was the most effective thing that I’ve seen this semester. Contes d’Hoffman was so my favorite because it was the most entertaining to me, but did it actually have any meaning behind it….well if it did, I must have missed it because I was just too distracted by the beautiful environment. The thing I viewed this semester that had the greatest effect on me had to have been Farenheit 9/11. The strong stance that was taken within this documentary definitely caught my attention right away. This documentary was filled with facts, but so many of the things that were said I just wanted to believe weren’t facts. I mean it’s not that I didn’t believe that some of these things could be true, I guess it’s more that I didn’t’ want to believe these things. I was just so angry while watching this film, and that’s exactly what Michael Moore wanted to do, he wanted to make us angry, we were supposed to walk away mad, and trust me, I WAS!

Least favorite performance of this semester…..I think that one’s pretty obvious. Ralph Lemon. Although I now have a better understanding of what the piece was supposed to accomplish, immediately after watching the “dance” I will never forget the subway ride home where everyone was just hysterically laughing. I laughed so hard on the subway ride home that I could barely breathe. Sure Ralph tested the boundaries of what we consider dance, but did I find this entertaining…..absolutely not!!! I’m more entertained at my little brother’s middle school orchestra concerts (which aren’t that entertaining). Besides the entertainment factor, I guess I just really didn’t think that there could be any meaning behind a man dancing with one sock on a stage, or a girl spinning in circles for what seems like hours upon hours. Let’s just say that if I ever had the opportunity to go sit through something like this, I definitely would NOT!

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