film blog!

“Joe, you have to be serious!!”

“Okay, stop LAUGHING, we really need to stop laughing, let’s try that again, but this time NO LAUGHING!!!!”

I must say, one of the hardest parts of making this movie was definitely trying to not laugh! I guess it’s a good thing that we were laughing since it shows that we had fun, but it wasn’t always laughter. When we first began the project, I would charactergorize the mood as awkward, not that we didn’t all know eachother, it’s just we had no idea where to go with this project, and therefore all we did was sit there in silence.


As we chose our groups that first day, my group kind of just came together since we were the only people left that weren’t in a group, whether this was going to be a good or bad thing, we would have to wait to find out! As the other groups enthusiastically shared ideas and screamed with excitement over all their plans, my group just moved into the hallway, and we all kind of just looked at eachother and said, “Now what?”

From that moment I knew that this assignment was not going to be so easy, it was going to require time, and A LOT of it. It definitely wasn’t going to be something that you could put together last minute the night before it’s due.

Well since we couldn’t really agree on what we wanted to do with our movie, my group just decided that we would simply choose which roles we would take. Since I know myself so well, and know that ever since I was young in play groups I enjoyed telling other people what they should do when we would play house, I decided that the best role for me would probably be director, that way I could take those wonderful leadership skills that I showed when I was young while playing house and put them to good use for the purpose of making this movie.

As director, I took the responsibility of figuring out when we were going to meet and get everything done. Sounds simple right?! Well it’s really not as easy as it seems, I mean try having 4 honors college students who are always involved in everything and taking their schedules and finding times where all of you are free and can meet up for several hours to work on a project. Yea, that’s hard!

After realizing that we probably wouldn’t be able to work on the project for hours at a time, I realized that it would be best to begin working on the project in intervals, where we would meet for about 30-45 minutes 2-3 times a week. This time was very useful to my group when we were first trying to figure out what the heck we wanted to do with the movie. We met so many times, and I feel as if everytime we met, our ideas seemed to change! (but luckily for us, it always was for good and the ideas got better and better! Yay!)

After finally deciding what we wanted to do with our movie, and understanding the script, it was time to plan out our storyboard. Since we had so much trouble finding times where everyone could meet up on campus, a lightbulb suddenly went off in my head, We all have macbooks! Duhh! ICHAT!!!! Why didn’t I think of this sooner?!  This was very useful to us because we could all be wherever we had to be, and we could still get work done, it was just so convenient, so Thank you technology!

So now that we have all our ideas, we needed to put everything together….but when? We don’t have time during the day and this would require time if we wanted to do good!


I swear, people must of thought I lived at the dorms this past month. I’m so grateful that my group consisted of 4 people, 2 of which dormed and so we were able to get together and have multiple sleepovers where we were able to get so much done! I’d say our sleepovers were very successful! Storyboard put together in a night and filming at 1:30 a.m. = GREAT SUCCESS ( said in a borat voice obviously!)

Filming was actually really fun, maybe at times too much fun and that could be why a one minute clip would take us about an hour to film! It’s just so hard not to laugh, Kudos to all the professional actors who are able to get into character so well. Filming this short movie made me really appreciate how much work goes into making a movie, and as much fun as I had doing this, I don’t think I’d be able to make a full length movie, well unless I was getting paid the big bucks!!!

A hard part about filming was definitely trying to get together with the people who weren’t in our group, but were in our film. We had to revolve our filming times around their schedules, which at times made me very nervous because I wasn’t sure if we were going to be able to get it all done, but WE DID! YAYY! =)

The best part of filming was definitely all of the laughs that my group and I had. My group was able to get so much closer throughout the process of making the entire movie (must have been from all of our sleepovers!) I’m so happy that I had the opportunity to work with Carol, Liz, and Aurona. Each one of us are so different, and all of our different, unique personalities added to all of the wonderful ideas that went into our movie. I honestly can’t thank you guys enough for putting so much effort into this project, I know that at times we were all so exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but I’m sure that when we sit in class on Monday and watch our movie we won’t remember how tired we were, but rather how much fun we had!

So I hope you all enjoy our movie and who knows maybe we’ll be discovered for our wonderful acting skills =P

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