Film Project: A Love Story

At first I was dreading the idea of the film project. I didn’t ever have to do a project that requires so much imagination and creativity. However, after the first few meetings with my group I knew that we were going in the right direction and this project was definitely worth looking forward to. Coming up with the idea of combining the original script with a modern twist was probably the hardest part. Not to mention we were trying to take a social critic approach to our movie. Although I felt like this task was impossible walking out of the first few meetings, each group member had unique ideas that contributed to the overall film. We all had a different perception of the film but the same general idea. One by one we started combining all the ideas and finally got to an agreement on the direction we wanted our film to go in.

As Dramaturge it was my job to create a script for the ideas we were putting together. It was difficult for me at first because we needed the script the earliest and it would set a theme for our film.  It would also have to merge all our ideas so that it could create an actual complete film. However I felt at ease when I knew that improvisation was an inevitable part of this project and the script didn’t have to be word by word exact to our filming. Furthermore, we all decided the best thing to do was to help each other out in our roles because we weren’t really theater experts. With the teamwork of my group members and I, we all contributed to one another’s roles. They helped me with our script and we all worked together on each other’s parts.

I guess the hardest part of the film was meeting, gathering people from outside our project to create scenes and putting those scenes together. Additionally creating transitions so the scenes would flow smoothly was also a big challenge for all of us. However after we had a direction to follow, everything else fell into place. During our shooting we knew what we had to tweak so that it would allow for a better viewing experience. We also stuck to our main idea so that it didn’t seem like we were rambling or going off on a tangent. I was happy that each one of us in our group has something unique to offer. We all had our individual skills that contributed to the production of the film.

The best part of this project was definitely filming! I still laugh thinking about the good times we had filming at the dorms after 12 am. It was a chance for us to not only create our wonderful film but also to bond with one another. I really got to know Liz, Michelle, and Carol better through this assignment and I’m glad I had this wonderful opportunity. I also realized that I’m really not a great actress! I have this problem of laughter (my group members understand). Haha. It’s just that I found everything hilarious as we were filming the few scenes I was in. Nevertheless, we managed to get through all the laughing and we started to put together the scenes of our film slowly but surely. We were (thankfully) on task and diligent in filming and editing. I have to say that I’m really proud of my group because despite our tough schedules we managed to always meet up and stay focused.

Although I really didn’t like the idea of having to do a multimedia project, I really enjoyed this experience! Actually, I absolutely loved it! It was so much fun and I think that through this project I’ve overcome my fear of the whole artistic field. Being creative wasn’t impossible at all; it was just a matter of being natural.

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