Author Archives: Michelle Martins

Posts by Michelle Martins

Preserving a moment in time--posted on Nov 16, 2010
film--posted on Nov 8, 2010
Week of 11/01-11/07--posted on Nov 7, 2010
Week of 10/25-10/31--posted on Nov 7, 2010
Now I get it, I think…--posted on Oct 27, 2010
October 20, 2010--posted on Oct 25, 2010
October 19, 2010--posted on Oct 25, 2010
October 18, 2010--posted on Oct 25, 2010
art in my community--posted on Oct 24, 2010
Ralph Lemon--posted on Oct 20, 2010

Comments by Michelle Martins

"Love your title! It's so creative!!! I also love how you relate this to class!"
--( posted on Dec 19, 2010, commenting on the post I am a MOVIE STAR. Therefore you care what I have to say. )
"loved this! great job! it's short simple and to the point =)"
--( posted on Dec 19, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Multimedia Project Blog )
"ahh i love the smurfss! and i agree i love the city during holiday/christmas time"
--( posted on Dec 5, 2010, commenting on the post Photojournal week 5 )
"i really love the red here! amazing pictures!"
--( posted on Dec 5, 2010, commenting on the post Week of 11/15-11/22 )
"I really like the way you started your blog, it really drew me in and made me want to continue reading it."
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post Private: )
"Thanks =) I was in a halloween mood so I decided to find orange things to take pictures of."
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post Week of 10/25-10/31 )
"I really like this! I took a picture like this too a while ago and I just love the way yours came out!"
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 11-15-10 )
"I love the colors in this picture!"
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 11-17-10 )
"I love your title for this blog! I also love the way you started off the blog. These elements really made me want to take the time to read your blog. I'm also happy that my blog helped inspire yours =) I saw my name and was like yayy =) Great job with this blog!"
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post Oh yeah!!! Blog Post! Yeahhh! )
"I was thinking about using that 70's show too! I love that 70's show!"
--( posted on Nov 18, 2010, commenting on the post That 70’s Show! )
"I absolutely love this picture!"
--( posted on Nov 16, 2010, commenting on the post Week 2 )
"I love the use of the color purple here!"
--( posted on Nov 16, 2010, commenting on the post Photojournal Week 3 )
"I really like how you wrote that sitting through the performance was torture. I feel like that's exactly how everyone in our class felt, well at least everyone. I find it so interesting that how after actually sitting and listening to Ralph Lemon speak about his piece we now think about this "torture" in a different way. That doesn't mean that we would necessarily sit through this "torture" again, but we can definitely at least appreciate it a bit more."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post I didn’t stay in the house, but…maybe I should have. )
"Wow, I really enjoyed reading this blog. I never really would have thought that bodybuilding could be a form of art, but then again that brings up the question what is art? But after reading your blog I can really see how bodybuilding can be an art. I also really love your ending! Great Job!"
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Blog #8 Community )
"Bolivian dance seems so interesting! There are so many elements to it that would make it a form of art. Just as an painter spends so much time on one single painting, I can see after reading your blog that it takes a really long time to prepare for these dances as well."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Community )
"I absolutely love the way you started your blog, it really made me want to continue reading it! I had a very similar experience with Macaulay, before Macaulay I really didn't go into the city that often and now I'm glad that I spend almost every weekend in this great city! What you wrote about the Manhattan skyline is also so interesting. I had never considered the Manhattan skyline "art", but now I can see why it can be art."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Skyline Artwork )
"Wow, this sounds so interesting! I had no idea that there was a program like this. That's really amazing that you stayed in this program for all four years. It must have been an amazing feeling to graduate with that crest on your uniform."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Private: unit crest )
"This is so cool Olivia, I feel like you would definitely fit in in a place like this since you are so social! which is a great thing =) This also reminds me of cafes they have in Portugal where everyone meets up to socialize."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Hellas )
"I really like the way you described the park. You're right, a lot of people probably don't look at a park and think that it is art, but it really is. This kind of reminds me of our photojournal and how you can really find beauty and art in a lot of things."
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post Community Art: What is art really? )
"wow this is an awesome picture! i love it!!"
--( posted on Oct 27, 2010, commenting on the post I Spy )
"thanks! =) yea, now that I think about it I can kind of see how looking at it could make you dizzy =P"
--( posted on Oct 26, 2010, commenting on the post skateboard )
"I agree with what you say, as much as we don't like to admit it, people do judge one another based on appearances, and appearances can really make a first impression especially if you don't talk to that person. However I do think that this is unfortunate since I do myself have a lot of "bummy days" where I just throw on a pair of sweats =P But you're totally right, I feel like our personalities are brought out in what we choose to wear."
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post )
"yea, i do collect them! i love fortune cookies! and i love when i find fortunes that really apply to my life!"
--( posted on Oct 19, 2010, commenting on the post fortune )
"wow what a great photo! Isn't it so funny how the bump sign has a bump on it! =P"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post IMG00066-20101008-1759[1] )
"I really like this picture of the school, I know what you mean about taking so many pictures and not being able to choose, the same thing happened to me, your opinion would be greatly appreciated =)"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post IMAG0883 )
"wow who's that girl in the picture? she must be a model or something =P but seriously, i really like the black and white effect in this picture!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post 10.8.10 )
"i love the picture of the food! the colors are awesome! i love bright colors too! =)"
--( posted on Oct 6, 2010, commenting on the post This Week’s Pics )
"i absolutely love this picture!"
--( posted on Oct 6, 2010, commenting on the post Street Signs Oct 4 )
"hahahha yea =) when i saw these things in height order immediately thought of that =P"
--( posted on Oct 6, 2010, commenting on the post October 1, 2010 )
"thanks guys =) yea i love taking pictures of ordinary objects because you never realize how cool they really are until you capture how awesome they look in a photograph"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post September 27, 2010 )
"i really like the way you were able to capture so many different types of chairs"
--( posted on Sep 29, 2010, commenting on the post )
"the picture of the wall makes me think of the candy land board game because of all the colors, looking at something so colorful just makes me so happy =)"
--( posted on Sep 29, 2010, commenting on the post 9/28/2010 )
"i love the caption =) they really did remind me of fireworks, or snowflakes also =) I also really like how you keep finding rainbows and how you incorporate them into your pictures"
--( posted on Sep 29, 2010, commenting on the post )
"cats can be so scary sometimes...i really like your caption =)"
--( posted on Sep 29, 2010, commenting on the post )
"yummmmyyy =) red mango is o so very delicious"
--( posted on Sep 26, 2010, commenting on the post IMG_3158 )
"I agree with what you're saying here. How many artists can get away with urinating on a piece of canvas and it being considered art? Andy Warhol must have been a genius to be able to accomplish this. And I agree that although some of his works may have been rather strange, they did have a meaning to them."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Andy Warhol )
"I really loved the way you started your blog. I completely agree, when i first hear the name Andy Warhol I immediately think of the Campbell's Soup can and the bag that I have with it on it. It was interesting to walk through the exhibit and realize that there was more to Andy Warhol than the Campbell's Soup can."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Andy Warhol as a Social Critic )
"wow, i'm so glad i didn't have a late class on that day, I couldn't imagine driving home in a tornado, I would have been terrified! I was actually running when it started getting really dark and raining a lot, I was so scared!"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Private: For 9/19-Journey down Kissena )
"wow, that looks really cool. It reminds me of the time I tried to take pictures of fireworks, but they kept coming out like this picture because they had already started falling by the time my camera took the picture."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Streetlights )
"I really like how you began your blog using the connection to Coldplay. I also really like how you compared Andy Warhol to being an anthropologist. I agree with your opinion here, in order for him to accurately describe and criticize the extravagance in society he needed to become a part of it."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post What do you say? What do you think? What affects you? )
"Thank you =) I love my garden too, my parents love it since they grew up on a farm they love having our little garden in our for my theme, it's not nature, but good guess! I do have a theme, but it's not very obvious."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post September 19, 2010 )
"yes this is my car. I woke up that morning and the first thing i saw when i looked outside was this. When my parents saw it they immediately overreacted and wanted to call the police or something, but i already knew that it had to have been one of my friends. I worked at a pool over the summer and one of the things that we would do to each other was teepee each others houses and post-it/ saran wrap each others cars, so i figured it must have been someone i worked with, and it was =P"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post saran wrapped car )
"Yes very true. That's why i found it really funny that there was a pay phone located on such a busy street in my neighborhood"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post phone? )
"I found it really funny because i hadn't seen one of these in a while. I was just walking down the street with my sister and we haven't seen a pay phone in ages, so we went up to it to go see if it actually worked, only to find out that there was no phone there -__-"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post where’s the phone )
"i totally agree with the gum picture. sometimes i even forget that it's gum, but when I remember it always disgusts me...especially since i hate gum!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post )
"i really like that red tea pot =)"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 9-13-10 )
"wow i really love how you were able to capture the american flag in so many different ways. great job!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post September 14, 2010 )
"i agree with jeffrey, great job! This picture really resembles life in NYC."
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post September 14th )
"i was going to take a picture of this too!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post )
"this is really cute! a young artist at work!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Wabie Sept 14 )
"i've thought about climbing to the top too!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post 9/14/2010 )
"i love colors too =) and are those milky pens? if they are i haven't seen those in a while"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post 9/14/10 )
"wow what an awesome picture! i can see why you chose to take a picture of this, it's definitely not something that you would see everyday"
--( posted on Sep 10, 2010, commenting on the post 2010-09-04 14.45.48 )