New Media Lab
The New Media Lab (NML) works with Graduate Center and CUNY faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to conceive and create groundbreaking multimedia projects based on student and faculty scholarly research. Our goal is to integrate digital media into traditional academic practice, challenging scholars to develop fresh questions in their respective fields using the tools of new technology. The NML is committed to a vision of new technology based on open access to ideas, tools, and resources. With ongoing support from CUNY, the New Media Lab has become a dynamic environment in which projects demonstrate new approaches and methods of merging digital media, scholarship, and learning.
Located in room 7388.01 at the CUNY Graduate Center and run under the auspices of the American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning, NML researchers:
* work across academic disciplines to produce scholarly digital media projects
* analyze Internet and other digital media usage in the educational, social, and commercial sectors
* construct interactive environments that explore ways of visualizing the arts, humanities, and sciences
* digitally archive and analyze a wide range of data
* participate in public programs that address the critical intersection of knowledge and technology