Anime and Language

Hi. Below is a clip from an anime called One Piece that I used to watch. In the clip, a pirate crew is singing their last song before they die. I found the scene to be a bit emotional even though it’s a cartoon and the song is in a language I don’t understand. Do you think that the language or the fact that the show is animated has much effect on the emotional aspect of the song and scene?

$400 for jeans

So the other day we had a conversation about brand name clothing and how they can be really expensive. So i decided to look up True religion and i found out that they were selling jeans on their site for as high as 400 dollars. That’s enough to buy a box of no-brand jeans, but yet people still buy these 400 dollar jeans. I understand that they may do it for style or just to be wearing something that is a name brand, but sometimes i think that some companies go overboard. What do you guys think? here is a link if you want to check out the website.

The typical egyptian breakfast

Hi. Below is a picture of what i usually have every morning. There is Fava bean dip, fries, falafel, fried green peppers, and bread. An extremely simple and easy to make breakfast that proves to be filling at the same time. It’s usually the fave bean dip that fills you up though. My mom told me that in Egypt they nickname the dip the “stomach’s screw” because of how filling it is. And depending on how you make the dip, you can have an extremely delicious breakfast.

Patience can be negative?

Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and its cowardice.
George Jackson (1941-1971)

This is a quote that my friend recently posted on Facebook. We are usually taught that patience is a great virtue but this quote says that too much of it is cowardice. I think that being patient for a long time isn’t great but at the same time I think that George Jackson shouldn’t be calling it cowardice. What do you think about that?

Tattoos can be harmful

According to an article I found while researching the topic. We were talking about whether it’s a good idea or not, but we didn’t really consider the health risks. Here is a link to an article that talks about these health risks. After reading it, my opposition to tattoos increased. I wouldn’t risk my health for something like that. So what’s your take on it?

Humor in politics: Obama vs Mitt

Hey everyone. This is a comic video that shows a rap showdown between the Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prior to election day. This video is one of many from the epic rap battle of history collection, which usually shows a rap battle between important figures in history or contemporary times. A great example of the use of humor in politics. What do you think?