About Mena-George Basaly

Most people call me George, I'm from Setauket, Long Island, NY, and I enjoy soccer and personal fitness

Not-So-Family Christmas

Not So Family Christmas

So I came across this NBC christmas special, hosted by Blake Shelton. It’s really funny and involves various performances of popular holiday songs, as well as short, humorous skits about the holidays. This special also makes a lot of references to the TV show “The Voice,” so if you like that show, I recommend this! Also, if you have 40 minutes to kill, that’s how long this program runs for.

What do you guys think the purpose of incorporating holidays and humor?

Aren’t the holidays already a joyful time, why do we need to make them humorous?

Sometimes you just gotta let it go…

Let It Go-Zac Brown Band

Remember a few weeks back when Professor made fun of country music for being about riding trucks and drinking beer? With the exception of the opening of this song (“spent the night with a friend of mine and a handle of good whiskey”) this song has a pretty deep meaning. It reminds us to “keep our hearts above our heads and our eyes wide open” and to “save our strength for things that we can change, forgive the ones we can’t, we gotta let it go.” These are my favorite lyrics because it reminds me to keep my cool sometimes.



Does the country/folk aspect of the song make it terrible?

New Subway Ad?

Extreme Subway Ad

This article is about a new anti-Islamic MTA advertisement funded by Pamela Geller,the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative. What’s everyone’s feedback on this? I know instinctively it seems wrong, and I agree, but we should also consider this woman’s viewpoints as well.


Pyramids-Egyptian culture

These are big triangular blocks that we call the Great Pyramids. The main one, the Great Pyramid of King Khufu, originally stands about 481 feet tall, and is one of the 7 wonders of the world. It is fascinating how the ancient Egyptians were able to construct such a perfect design without the technology we have today. The pyramids represent an important history of the ancient Egyptian culture because they served as tombs for pharaohs. I’d definitely recommend going to see them because they are absolutely beautiful but Egypt is currently one big pile of sh*t so I’d hold off on going to see them for now.

Coptic Art

This is an ancient paining of St. George, a saint in the Eastern Orthodox religion. I took this photo in 2010 when I visited a monastery in Egypt, and it represents my Coptic background. The Copts were the original people of Egypt, and actually the founders of the first church, way before those damn arabs came and claimed the land to be theirs. Coptic is the original language of Egypt but is now currently almost a dead language, used only in church services.

Beloved, Be-loved


This song is sung by the contemporary Christian band, Tenth Avenue North. I find that this song, to me at least, represents love more than any other song. Being loved by God is a purely emotional connection, and it cannot be explained by hormones or science. I find that this kind of love is greater than any other love. The relationship one has with God can be described as unconditional love, which is love with no limitation. But I believe that unconditional love is not only limited to God. This song can easily apply to a human relationship, and when I find love, I want it to be unconditional love.

“My love it unites us, and it binds you to me” This is probably my favorite line because it applies to what I was just saying above. When I fall in love with a woman, I want to be united with her. And on the other hand, I find myself united with God through everything I do.