~Opera ~ Naomi 10/1/12~

On my way home from today’s seminar class I had to turn off the radio in the car because nothing on Z100 or Fresh FM could compete to the music which I had just spent that last hour and forty minutes listening to. Today in seminar, we listened to opera.

When I was five years old, my aunt gave me a VHS tape of the movie version of Rigoletto (1993) and it soon became one of my favorite movies to watch. Although this version was not entirely set to music and the libretto was in English, this was my first introduction to opera and ever since that time this particular form of music has reminded me of my childhood. Despite this early introduction to opera, I soon became more interested with the world of musical theater, which I suppose isn’t too far out of the realm of opera.  However, today I was excited to get reacquainted with the opera and listen to Pavarotti perform Nessun Dorma. I had heard Nessun Dorma performed many times before today’s class yet each time I hear it lifts me out of my skin. The notes soar with the music in a way that captivates me like no other form of music does.

In addition to listening to clips from famous operas we also discussed some of the technical aspects of opera.  I found this part of the class particularly interesting, because although I was fond of opera I never thought too much about the technique that went into such things as writing the libretto of an opera.  A librettist must convey the plot, allow the performer to show off their vocal skills, provide the listener a pleasant melody while also making sure that the text is not too difficult for the singer to say while holding high notes.  In addition to the difficult work of a librettist, I also found the various voice parts interesting. I was aware of the three male registers, (tenor, baritone and bass) and I was aware of (contralto, mezzo soprano, and soprano) yet I was unaware of the many different levels of the female vocal range.

After today’s class I am excited to attend my first opera this coming Wednesday.
