Poetry Readings, Part 2

In today’s seminar, we continued our poetry readings. Once again, everyone did an excellent job of putting their all heart and emotion into their recitations. Everyone’s poems were different; however, everyone spoke in a very convincing and heartfelt tone that conveyed the message of each poem perfectly.

Christian’s poem was about what was behind a cab driver’s smile, and what his life was like beyond his seemingly emotionless job as a cab driver. This made me think, because we really never stop to think about what people’s lives are like beyond what we see. If we really could see into everyone we meet’s personal lives, we really would be astonished that they weren’t these robotic people that only existed at the place and time we saw them. Andrew’s original poem gave me the chills, as it was about something i could relate to easily. He used perfect diction as he chose the words of his poem, and they flowed like a song. He read it with such conviction behind every word that it took me back to places that the poem reminded me of.