Dear students,


(1) Next week we will meet on Tuesday at the regular time but not the regular place: instead, we will gather (at 11:10) at the International Center of Photography, at 250 Bowery. We will look at the Eugene Richards photography exhibit and then make our way to the Elizabeth St Garden to discuss the show and the readings. I expect to end class 15-20 minutes earlier than usual so that you have time to travel back to campus.

(2) Blog post #3 is due Sunday at 9, as usual. Remember to choose a high-quality image, and to choose the largest size for posting. I also recommend re-reading the relevant pages of Barthes (25-27 and 51-59 are particularly useful) in thinking about the studium and punctum in the image you choose. As always, read the post instructions with care.

(3) Your readings–and the ICP show–should start sparking ideas for your own street photography. Have a look at the guidelines for your upcoming Instagram project.

See you all Tuesday!


Prof Kolb