Hi everyone,

Maps Marker Pro is now working again, our apologies for the downtime. You can go ahead and add your reading marker (remember to add this as a marker, NOT a layer), and make sure you assign it to both your personal layer (your last name) as well as the “Readings” layer.

A reminder that while you’re in the plugin screen, you should check to make sure that your other three markers (from the Lions, Galleries, and Public Art assignments) are all in the correct location on the map. To do this, click “List all markers” and then filter by your last name using the drop down menu. Select your markers and click “Edit.” Double check to make sure that your pin marker is in the correct borough, and on the correct part of the street (some of you might notice that, for some reason, even if you enter an address on the West Side in Chelsea it will drop the marker somewhere between 5th and 6th avenues, for example). So you might have to manually adjust the marker even after you’ve entered the correct address.
