Dear students,

The portal is now open for signing up for STEAM festival slots. Click here to register. Remember that only one person per group should sign up; you will be able to enter everyone’s name on the registration form. The sooner you sign up, the more likely you are to receive your desired time slot, so do this ASAP.

I’ll see you in class tomorrow, which will be dedicated to STEAM festival work. Remember that everyone must have something to work on, and that–when it comes to presenting–everyone must contribute, out loud. Remember, too, that you should present something visual or physical–even if it is just a sketch of the project, or a tiny portion of it. In your presentations, talk about your vision for the project, your methods for making it, and your major influences (these can be artworks we’ve seen, texts we’ve read, or anything from outside the class that inspired your project).

Really looking forward to seeing what you’re working on.

See you tomorrow–

Prof Kolb

P.S. For teams that requested supplies: these have been ordered but have not yet arrived; we will keep you updated.