Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

“Gowanus Cleanup -€“ EPA Lays the Gauntlet.”

October 19th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal


Authors Sophia Kelley and Elias Rodriguez, both writers for the EPA’s New York City blog, Greening the Apple, reported in January on the a meeting regarding the Superfund plans for the Gowanus Canal. Kelley is a New York City public affairs specialist and EPA writer and Rodriguez works as the EPA’s bilingual public information officer in New York. The main point expressed is the importance of community involvement in such projects and the article attempts to portray the EPA as very community-friendly in its approach. I found bias in favor of the EPA which is expected from a blog on their site. The article is weak in that it provides very little factual information or new ideas. It addresses the idea of social sustainability by focusing on the community response to the project. It is not very relevant to our project but lays out an idea of how the EPA intends to approach the canal.

Kelley, Sophia, and Elias Rodriguez. “Gowanus Cleanup -€“ EPA Lays the Gauntlet.” Environmental Protection Agency, 25 Jan. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. <>.

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One Comment so far ↓

  • tlewis

    Cali, In this and your previous annotations, you’ve done a good job paying attention to who is writing the piece and how that affects bias. Good work.

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