Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Entries Tagged as 'Cali Paetow'

“Postcard: Brooklyn”

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

Overdue Annotated Bibliography 2 Kate Pickert, an author for TIME, wrote this piece on development around the Gowanus Canal. Her thesis is that development plans will have to wait because of the declaration by the EPA of the Gowanus Canal as a Superfund site. She elaborates on how some are upset by the delay, while […]



“Squeezing More Ecological Value From The Spongepark”

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

Overdue Annotated Bibliography 1 This article discusses “sponge parks” and their potential importance at the Gowanus Canal. The author’s main claim is that the sponge parks are important not only as an pollution solution but an encouragement for wildlife and a beautiful reminder of how we should value nature. The author, Steven Handel, is an […]

