For as long as I can remember, white rice and red beans has been my staple food. I literally grew up on just this one dish. I was such a picky eater that when my family would go out to restaurants, my mother would always have to pack some rice and beans with her because I wouldn’t eat anything else. Luckily, this is not the case now as I will eat anything, but for a long time, this was my dish. Rice and beans is not only a staple food within our household, but of our ethnic background as well. Just about every Dominican and Puerto Rican dish that is made can be complimented with a side of rice and beans. From mofongo to bistec empanizado, rice and beans will serve as a delicious compliment to the main meal.

Growing up in a Hispanic household and being one of the few Hispanic families on the block, our parties were always different. From the loud blasting merenge to bachata, and from the arroz con gandules to penil, each party we held had its own flavor of our heritage. While we all united because of an important occasion, like a graduation or a simple family gathering, I felt united with them because of the fact that we were all from the same ethnic background. While we lived in different towns, these simple parties we held with food and music from our heritage brought me closer to them and allowed me to connect more with not only the people I love, but my heritage.

Each time I delve deep into a wonderful meal of rice and beans, not only will I pig out and stuff my face because it is so damn delicious, but I will be reminded of the wonderful memories I’ve had with my family as a child and the future memories that I will continue to create with them.