Macaulay Everywhere

Author Nicole Zeftel

Click here to submit your final project!

Please have one person from your group submit the online exhibition so that it can be included on the final course Museum Site. (Don’t worry – you can still tweak your site after this date!)

Exhibition Project: Don’t Forget to Contact your ITF!

Hi everyone – Don’t forget to have one group member send me an email at to let me know what kind of platforms you are interested in using or just to give me a general sense of your project vision. I… Continue Reading →

Using Timeline JS

All of these instructions can be found on the website, so please visit it! Go to and click “Make a timeline now” You will first need to create a spreadsheet using google docs. A link to this spreadsheet will… Continue Reading →


TinyMCE Advanced is a plugin that allows you to easily integrate tables into your post/page.     Simply go to Plugins and activate TinyMCE Advanced .Once activated you will see a familiar table icon in the toolbar of your page/post. Create your table!

Leaflet Mapmaker

Leaflet Maps Marker is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a map with marked points of interest. If you are the administrator of a site, go to “Plugins” on the left-hand side of the Dashboard and then find (Command+F)… Continue Reading →

Endnotes Using FD Footnotes

In academic papers, it is vital that any textual, visual, or other evidence –whether used directly, paraphrased, or referred to — be cited properly, according to the disciplinary convention. For your Media Analysis assignment, I’ve activated the FD Footnotes plugin, which “provides… Continue Reading →

Add Category or Tag

How to Add a Category or a Tag: Category: After you finish entering the content of your post, select the appropriate category from the list of categories located on the right hand side of the page. Publish the post! Tag: After you finish entering the… Continue Reading →

Pull Quotes

Using pull quotes throughout your post can emphasize important blocks of text. There are a few ways to do this. Simple Pull Quote. I’ve activated the Simple Pull Quote plugin that will help you create these blocks of text. Here is a video… Continue Reading →

Adding Captions to Embedded Media

It’s a great idea to add captions to your images. Captions might be descriptive, and/or they might include bibliographic information that cites the source of the image. To add captions to images uploaded to the Media Library is very simple. Captions… Continue Reading →

Set Featured Image

        This is a screenshot of the Identity Posts category from a previous class’s eportfolio. The students set featured images which appear  above the post titles. WordPress themes display category posts in different ways, sometimes as a list, or… Continue Reading →

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