Using pull quotes throughout your post can emphasize important blocks of text. There are a few ways to do this.
Simple Pull Quote. I’ve activated the Simple Pull Quote plugin that will help you create these blocks of text. Here is a video tutorial and screenshots on the plugin page to get you started.
…a very merry unbirthday, to you! To me? To you!
When you are using pull quotes, the text that you select will be “pulled out” of the paragraph, so if you need that text in-paragraph, too, you’ll have to copy and paste. Additionally, when using pull quotes, place them at the end of the paragraph, rather than the beginning where the pull quote function will mess with the paragraph spacing.
Block Quote Feature. You can also use the “block quote” feature in your Visual editor menu so set off a quote. That looks something like this.
Block Quote Feature. You can also use the “block quote” feature in your Visual editor menu so set off a quote. That looks something like this.
One hippo, all alone, calls two hippos on the phone. Three hippos at the door, bring along another four. Five hippos come over dressed. Six hippos show up with a guest.
– Sandra Boynton, Hippos Go Berserk.
DIY. Alternatively, you can create a pull quote without using this plugin by setting off the section with horizontal lines and changing the formatting and font-style (bold, etc.) of the quote. It might look something like this.
“This is a sample of a pull quote. Just another way to do it. And now, back to our regular scheduled programming…”
Just take care to revert back to the same formatting you tused before the alternative pull quote. Enjoy!
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