March Meeting

Call To Order


Chair: President Sara Louie
Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko
Student Development: Drew Adair and Chris Daversa


  • Scholars Council Updates


    1. New voting process to allow more work to be done
      1. March 28-April 8: Candidate statements must be submitted to honors advisor 
      2. April 14-21: MHC wide elections
    2. Marketing + Communications:  still looking for news, photographs, and updates from clubs and students. (


  • Student Development Updates


    1. Due to state and city battles, CUNY is having a difficult fiscal year (looks like it is going into the next fiscal year).
      1. Opportunities Fund limitations and student development budget limitations will continue so don’t be surprised when submitting budget requests
      2. Interim Dean Mary Pearl has been incredibly active overall – went to DC and Albany to meet with state representations to prove our case and to show that CUNY/Macaulay is really special



  • Club Updates


      1. Clubs and Pubs
        1. Macaulay Business Club
          1. Strong hold in Baruch, building up base at Hunter, looking to still expand to all MHC campuses
            1. Upcoming: Networking Event in early may, Python Workshop in April, Visit to Google (no need to be a member to go to the events)
        2. Macaulay Chamber Music Society – ABSENT
        3. Macaulay Chess Club
          1. March 18 next meeting
          2. First major event – Saturday, April 9th (Chess tournament)
        4. Macaulay Creative Writing Club
          1. Bunch of new members since the club fair
          2. Still meet every other week on Thurs. nights
          3. Working on collaborating with Photography Club to publish their work in their magazine
        5. Macaulay Dancers
          1. Currently rehearsing for their competition in April
          2. Looking for a space for their Spring performance
        6. Macaulay Dewanee
          1. Preparing for competition in May
          2. Few performance coming up (mostly around middle of April/May)
        7. Macaulay Honors College Debate Society
          1. Working on public event tentative ~April 10th
          2. First meeting was 2 weeks ago – hoping to get more members, still struggling
        8. Macaulay Games Society
          1. All events open to CUNY students, however, EMPL ID sign in registration is glitchy because they have non-MHC students coming, but aren’t tracked in attendance
          2. Game Night #2 happened this Tuesday March 2nd
          3. Next event scheduled for tentative ~March 22nd
          4. Trying to have more events/workshops but there are still budget constraints
          5. Future event – Game Jam (24/48 hour gaming event – cannot be in MHC building)
          6. If you make any games that you want to submit, bring it to their events to showcase
        9. Macaulay Gender Equality Club
          1. Still on hiatus!
        10. Macaulay Gastronomy Club
          1. Sushi night on March 25th (more info on Club Macaulay)
          2. Restaurant of the Month continuing, this month is March Malaysian
          3. Joint event with Global Brigades – cake decorating
          4. Food anthropologist/nutritionist event to explain how food is used to interact socially
          5. Looking for ways to promote the Gastronomy
        11. Macaulay Global Brigades – ABSENT
        12. Global Politics Society
          1. Feb. 26 had a table at the Great Gatsby Gala
          2. March 11 first meeting at 5:30
          3. Working with the Debate Society to create an event about internet and privacy
        13. Macaulay Habitat for Humanity – ABSENT
        14. Hillel
          1. Mobilizing plans for Sedar and Symposiam
          2. Working on Anti-Semitism event in May to be held in May
        15. Humans of Macaulay
          1. Held Great Gatsby Gala in February
            1. Raised ~$800
          2. Working on a clothing donation drive to give to Green Lion Charity
          3. Finished Faculty February, working on Athletes April
          4. Just created a new platform on Instagram @humansofmacaulay
        16. Mabuhay: Filipino Culture Club at Macaulay




        1. Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team
          1. Fourth tournament of the year – did okay
          2. Upcoming tournaments
          3. Team is mostly freshmen/sophomores – young team
        2. MATHaulay: Macaulay Math Club – ABSENT
        3. Macaulay Messenger Online Newsletter – ABSENT
        4. Macaulay Musician’s Collective
          1. First meeting on Feb 23rd – very little turnout
          2. CUNY wide collective – please help spread the word
            1. Want to play at CUNY Film Festival but need more people
          3. Club hours: Sunday nights at 8pm
          4. Got rid of the old, clunky pianos and got a new keyboard despite budget problems!!!! Please be respectful of the new expensive property that is intended strictly for MHC club use
        5. Macaulay Pre-Health Professions Club
          1. Partnered with CUNY in medicine to have an event (former MHC students came to speak about their career and experience)
        6. Macaulay Photography Club – ABSENT
        7. Macaulay Pre-Law Club
          1. Monday, March 7 Law Panel
          2. Monday, March 21 LSAT Prep Workshop
        8. Pied Filmmakers Collective – ABSENT
        9. Psychology Club at Macaulay
          1. March 17 Psychology of Languages Event
          2. Looking to create a psychology career panel with MHC alumni to talk about their experience
        10. Roosevelt Institute at Macaulay
          1. First interest meeting MArch 11 at 5:00
          2. Participatory Budget to get student input in NYC spending
          3. CUNY for Flint event in the works
        11. South Asian Health & Development Initiative
          1. Adolescent Health Model event
          2. Building up social enterprise startup – City College
          3. Looking to expand to different chapters in CUNY
          4. Continue Recycled School Supplies Drive
          5. Tap Tournament and other fun activites like growing up in immigrant families
          6. Upcoming Events – April 1: locate your mate
          7. April 15: Macaulay Mela – biggest event of the year
          8. Made an instagram @Sahdi_MHC
        12. Macaulay S.P.A.R.K.: Students Partnering and Reaching Kids




      1. Step Club
        1. Brand new – first interest meeting was on Friday March 4
        2. March 18 5:00-7:00 first workshop – teaching some step
        3. Currently a recreational club but hopefully will have enough members to go to competitions
      2. Macaulay Theater Club
        1. Weren’t able to plan for Spring Cabaret
        2. In the process for working on buying the rights for an event in the Fall
        3. Upcoming plans for fall – collaborate with MHC music clubs for events
        4. Working on vocal performance, acting, etc.
      3. Macaulay Triplets A Cappella Group
        1. Preparing for Spring Concert – event details will be sent out!
      4. Macaulay Venture Club
        1. MArch 16 – Entrepreneurial Experience – Meet and Greet
        2. Sometime around ~April 16- pitch night
        3. End of semester Hackathon event in the works – details to follow
      5. Macaulay YES: Youth Events for Seniors
        1. Currently trying to expand to Carltingon Park Nursing Center
        2. Trying to set up a St. Patricks Day event in their current nursing home

Special Initiatives

      1. Arts Night
        1. Meetings every Friday
        2. Theme and decorations and rooms have all been finalized
        3. Main issue – submissions – VERY SMALL amount of submissions which is worrisome since the deadline is next Friday
          1. ALL submissions can be taken
        4. Want to post posters in each Honors Lounge Campus
      2. Macaulay Diversity Initiative/Supporting Excellence Conference & Macaulay Alumni & Students of Color Affinity Group
        1. Support Excellence Conference March 11 in MHC at 10am
          1. Macaulay Alum coming in to talk about gender equality, racial/social justice
      3. AVASARA
        1. First event this Thursday March 10
        2. Anti-Human Trafficking Workshop – will be making paintings and other arts
          1. Winners of contest will be showcased
      4. TEDxCUNY: Hosted by Macaulay Honors College
        1. Hosting spring salon events at individual college campuses
        2. Looking for new liaisons for spring/fall to represent TEdxCUNY at their campus
        3. City College is hosting their salon event March 22nd
      5. CUNY Film Festival
        1. Awards Gala April 16
        2. Working on notifying film makers and other project
        3. Looking for volunteers to help usher and handle sign in

*Please remember to recharter your club every Fall

Community Service April 22nd – keep that day open – to promote community service and opportunities. If you want to collaborate with your club, please keep that in mind and contact VP of Community Service – Rabia M.)

Spring Picnic – olympics/tournament between all 8 campuses. Location is still being decided (narrowed down to CSI, John Jay, Central Park/MHC Central). Friday June 3rd.


  • Club Proposals –  LINK CHARTERS


    1. Finance Club – ABSENT
    2. Macaulay Crew – APPROVED
      1. Hip-hop team/club to serve as a mode of self-expression, focused on Afro-caribbean and hip-hop, want to have auditions to only accept 12 people, will do competitions, *will to self-fund uniforms and costumes*


  • Representatives Vote on Club Proposals


  • Budget Announcement + Vote by Representatives only


    1. This semester’s money has ran out – clubs cannot request any more money, however, clubs can still use whatever money they have currently allocated to them
    2. 14 approved, 1 abstention to the budget
    3. Some of the clubs should be taking initiative to fundraise (like Humans of Macaulay raised $800 from their Gatsby Gala)… some of the clubs are just taking money and not doing anything to get revenue
    4. Change the $ minimum from $300 to $150
    5. Funding allocations should be more transparent to both members and club leaders
      1. Holden – will look at receipts and how clubs are using their money. This is the first time MSC is doing this finance/budget process so they will take all of this into consideration next year and this will become a framework for the process.
    6. Budgets should only be requested at one or two times in the year – not random times


  • Committee Updates


  • Campus Meetings


    1. Baruch
    2. Brooklyn
    3. City College
    4. College of Staten Island
    5. Hunter
    6. John Jay
    7. Lehman
    8. Queens


  • T-Shirt


  • Final Remarks and Discussion



Next Scholars Council Meeting

Date: Sunday, April 10, 2016

Time: 1pm

Location: Lecture Hall