March 2011 Meeting Minutes

The fifth meeting of the 2010-2011 Council.

Chair: Kaitlyn O’Hagan

Minutes: Julia C. Dancer


  1. Attendance
    1. Anthony Ventimiglia
    2. Aparna Gokhale
    3. Elizabeth Kelman
    4. Kanika Khanna
    5. Kaitlyn O’Hagan
    6. Julia C. Dancer
    7. Joe Borello
    8. Marianna Lamnina
    9. David Rand
    10. Amrita Narine
    11. Jiayan (Cathy) Huang
    12. Jenna Jankowski
    13. Sarah Hussain
    14. Amal Elbakhar
    15. Joshua George
    16. Amy Gijsbers van Wijk
    17. Kate McQuater


  1. Administrative Issues
    1. Macaulay Gear

-Project 571 too expensive

-Cafepress was not a consistent contact

-Zazzle and Cafepress best: initial bad quality of imprint and hardness comes out in wash

-$36-40 for each

-issue: discount for volume: need inventory? Can’t afford!

-Maybe different company for events and online


  1. Committee Updates
    1. Academic Affairs

i.     “Meet the New Guy” Lunch

-Next Friday at 12

ii.     College Council Curriculum Committee

2 courses of action being pursued

-reforming seminars right now

-mandatory syllabus requirement (grade breakdown descriptions)

-must reform without getting entrenched

-upper level involved for curriculum

-more standardized seminars


  1. Community Service

-Kwame absent from meeting

-Liz trying to set up meeting but right now most activities being planned solely by Kwame

-a lot of ideas, just need to get together


  1. IT/Communications

i.     MSC website

-going well, Julia and Kaitlyn meeting with Central IT John about problems and questions Monday, March 7th at 3 PM in the MHC Reading Room

ii.     Meeting w/ Dr. Ugoretz regarding Macaulay website

-MHC Portal may be possible next year

-eportfolio site has useful features we can use for MSC

-eportfolio contest happening soon to boost/reward involvement

iii.     Other projects

-MSC facebook page running but needs more friends to catch up to Septopus


  1. Student Life

i.     Cultural Passport Scavenger Hunt

-site fixed

ii.     Common Ground

-worked on budget

-need food

-last year about $600-700 for food but need more

-volunteers: 3 types of Spanish dances, 2 groups doing Indian dances, bunch for fashion part, NEED MORE DIVERSITY

-sending out announcements: changes? Send info to Drew.

-steer clear of stereotypical statements about diversity

iii.     Arts Night

-meeting this weekend didn’t really happen. Three people there.

-should have $1800 to work with (last year ws 15-1600)


iv.     Spring Formal

-meeting last Friday

-City College Ballroom capacity too low

-2 Thursdays before 13th

-After finals? 26th?

-need to charge admission to make sure they’ll come

-nice formal event not over $25 per person

-student DJ and student photographer needed!

-biggest thing: cost and location

-food: buffet for first formal, maybe more next year depending on numbers

-decision by end of week!!

-poll on MSC and in Macaulay Monday


  1. Olympics committee

i.     Spring Picnic Combo/Date Finalized?

-Friday june 3rd noon to four

-money: Alumni reunion committee won’t officially combine

-can’t get alums to come on Friday

-2000 dollars for spring picnic

-how to maximize food piece and how to get cheap sports equipment

-ask campuses (intermurals!)

-Amal has Hunter connections, will let us know

-parks and community centers

-food: trying to find grilling/bbq delivered/catered

-shifts on the grills (bringing?)

-kosher, veggie, and regular

-bombard incoming freshmen’s emails!!

-how to create the teams:

-online and at event (field day activities)

-do form alone and then they can create teams

-Grecian shelter: indoor

-brainteasers and whatnot/hang around inside

-every type of Macaulay student needs something to look forward to

-survey draft ready for Olympics but need to look at brainteasers

-winners: awards? Budget will have to include that

-per sport? each campus its own country: add up points. Campus that wins the most is the winner

-wait and see final tally before deciding prizes

-obvious caps on certain sports

-waterballoon fight!

-suggestions sent to Anthony by tonight!


  1. Macaulay Student Organizations and Program Updates
    1. Jazz/Contemporary Music group

-people can come, it is active, have a group

-email Joe Borello

-starting soon? Talk to Drew once everything’s set up.


  1. Macaulay Messenger

-Contact Kanika Khanna for info

-50 people on staff

-Brooklyn, Baruch, Lehman are underrepresented, so apply!

-basic responsibilities: diff sections: campus news, macaulay section, arts and culture, nation and world, opinions, science and sports (CUNY and other college teams)

-need writers, section editors, photographers

-eportfolio page will be really nice when pages are up

-writers added as site authors, editors edit there, then make public

-system will be revised but looks good for now

-as it starts picking up, might want creative submissions


  1. Pursuit of Happiness

-Matthew Law, Sophomore at Baruch

-fundraising at Baruch, trying to start a chapter in Queens

-annual business plan competition

-homeless kids getting GED’s, will get them into college

-have volunteers do SAT tutoring etc.

-site in midtown

-won first session and now can go to nationals

-might get 10,000 for everything they need

-will be official Macaulay organization

-would work directly with community service committee


  1. Macaulay Vlog

-they’re blogging!


  1. Macaulay Chamber Players

-major coup

-spring concert matinee Friday, April 15, 2:30 PM, at Martin Segal theater at Grad center

-test to see if grad center would allow us to do things

-Grad center is very tight-fisted about rooms bc make money

-we only get administration and common event easily

-may do this once a year, next year maybe to jazz group


  1. Macaulay Pre-Law Club

-law panel last Thursday went well

-19 people came

-Sunday: practice LSAT with review from testmasters at 10AM

-April 8th Duane Morris


  1. Macaulay Pre-Med Club

-Cornell Med School

-28 people rsvp’d

-sits and talks at table and Macaulay students at Cornell talk to prospectives and giving tours

-success almost every year

-NYU this year, too


  1. Macaulay Business Club

-Alex Romov (senior)

-Thursday March 10th, at Baruch

-lunchtime talks

-Eurozone upheavals

-April 18th


  1. Macaulay Theater Group

-Amy writing play

-will have events


  1. CUFF

-big season

-March 20th– Peter Reger

-Master class in the evening (how to write, direct and produce)

-RSVP up now

-26th; preopening night

-NY premiere of Japanese Magic Hour Film Academy movie “Cora”

-March 27th big student film event CUFF


  1. Campus Updates
    1. Baruch

-raising money for relay for life


  1. Brooklyn

-honors academy art show went pretty well

-new club on campus might branch into Macaulay- equestrian club

-Amy wanted to start a literary magazine

-must discuss this with Macaulay Administration


  1. City

-nothing really student-wise

-scheduling issues for mentor breakfast

-administration-Macaulay contingent going to grow by 50% (60 instead of 40 new freshmen!)

-freshman class meetings this week

-scholarship info

-Macaulay/City Honors students semi-finalists for Kaylie Scholarship

-We should always send amazing news about ourselves to Macaulay


  1. CSI

-starting to register for classes

-planning bake sale

-some students on relay for life committee


  1. Lehman

-advisor meetings next two or three weeks


  1. Hunter

–Brookdale dorm formal

-Jonathan is leaving (director)

-going to be headmaster at a prep school in Rhode Island


  1. Queens

-CUFF excitement

-new honors advisor

-had a career fair and club fair recently

-need a person from Queens who is a senior

-first graduating class wants to give gift so need to sign name: contact Amal


  1. Miscellaneous
    1. Septopus concerns

-changed password of Septopus and sent angry email

-Tyler doesn’t have Septopus password and hasn’t told anyone that he wants to be paid for the copyright

-Tyler will contact them but we cannot use Septopus for now

-We need to suggest friends to MSC

-Dean doesn’t want the Septopus

-need professional mascot if we have one at all

-Septopus should be student thing

-need a latin logo


  1. Enforcing charter stipulations regarding inactive members

i.     Clarification of February 2011 amendment to charter regarding replacement of members – replace inactive members with this policy?

-must enforce inactive member policy

-for next year, clarify: if you don’t come to two meetings:probation!

-Julia will email students about inactivity, then email their advisors

-Council voted to replace inactive members


c. Other


  1. New Macaulay Seminar: Mysteries of NYC proposed by Andy Singh

-Julia (ITC Chair) and Andy (Macaulay@City ’14) will speak with Professors Maciuika and Borrows

-History and science component

-Curriculum reform is going well


ii.     Drew will not be able to attend Common Ground



Next meeting: Sunday, April 10th 2:30


Chair: Kate

Minutes: Kanika