May Meeting

Chair: President Sara Louie Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko Student Development: Drew Adair and Chris Daversa   Scholars Council Updates   Community Service Day Recap Saturday, April 23 Spring Formal Reminder this Saturday Bring a College ID 2016-2017 Scholars Council Meeting May 31st 12:00pm – if you want to run for e-board you must submit a candidacy[…]

March Meeting

Call To Order   Chair: President Sara Louie Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko Student Development: Drew Adair and Chris Daversa   Scholars Council Updates   New voting process to allow more work to be done March 28-April 8: Candidate statements must be submitted to honors advisor  April 14-21: MHC wide elections Marketing + Communications:  still looking for[…]

February 2016

Call To Order Chair: President Sara Louie Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko Student Development: Drew Adair and Chris Daversa Scholars Council Updates Recap Club Fair 168 attendees – Student survey indicates the event was overall really successful Student Survey Upcoming Events Spring Formal 14 May, Saturday @ CCNY Tickets will be available for pre-order tickets & at[…]

I have questions! Who do I ask?

I (or another student) have question(s) about…   The Macaulay Scholars Council. My duties. Attendance. Contacting someone or a group of people. Any questions/concerns/issues. Something else and not sure which VP to contact. Contact: President Sara Louie (CCNY/2017) Upcoming events. The spring formal. Olympics. Volunteering at Macaulay events. Contact: VP of Student Life Mitasha Palha[…]