Video Ideas: The Lenape

So, our group might run into some problems seeing as how multimedia (in terms of video) is difficult to find with regard to the Native Americans living in New York City during the 17th Century, and the Europeans when they first arrived. Does anyone have any ideas as to what we might be able to film? The main thing I have in mind is a visit to the Museum of the American Indian, or the Museum of the City of New York.

-Shadi Ali

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6 Responses to Video Ideas: The Lenape

  1. Ana had an idea of doing the timeline from the time of the Lenape to time of the Dutch colonists. I like that idea a lot because it really can document change and we can show how the two peoples interacted if we do a reenactment. But I know you guys aren’t that interested in dressing up.

  2. I like the museum idea, I found an exhibit on the Lenape at the Staten Island Museum:
    We could try to interview museum curators about history too.

  3. Tamara Del Rosario says:

    Shadi mentioned drawing something and dubbing our voices over, how about puppets? Making paper puppets of the Lenape and early Dutch colonists (that way we wouldn’t have to dress up?). I like the idea of adding an element of humor to our video, since sadly the colonial period is oftentimes very dry.

  4. karengregory says:

    You might check out this site, if you’re thinking about creating a timeline:

    Dipity, to create timelines:

  5. sdockery says:

    I like the museum idea as well.. and I’m sure we could get someone from the museum who is an expert on the topic to talk to us.

  6. alin says:

    Your video can have clips of interviewing museum curators like Ana suggested and maybe slideshows of pictures that relate to your topic? Or you can have intersections of events or photos pop up as you show a timeline – like you create a timeline – mark the years, then for a specific year, have a photo, words, or interview zoom in/pop up – then that photo/words/interview zooms out, go back to timeline, and move on to another year, etc….

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