Julia Gorbach, a Macaulay Honors/Hunter junior, is in the running for Miss New York 2012. She is representing Macaulay Honors College in the competition. Born in Ukraine, Gorbach and her family moved to Brooklyn in 1997 and now resides in Staten Island. Gorbach is a media major and political science minor at Hunter College.
Q: So how’d you get into all of this?
JG: I started modeling in my junior year of high school. It actually started with acting classes that I’d just heard about. I was always creative but I’d never believed in it because everything was all about the sciences at that point. But, I took the classes for a year and at the end, decided I wanted to get into modeling. I started taking pictures and had a moment where I said to myself “Wait, I really like this. And I’m not that bad.”
Q: Now, typically when someone thinks of a model, they think of someone 5’9 or taller. Maybe it’s my viewing angle, but I’m pretty sure you’re not 5’9.
JG: [laughs] Yeah, I’m 5’3. That was actually a big factor in my choosing the path that I did. After I realized I wanted to pursue modeling, I managed to find Shortstack Modeling Agency, based in Queens, which caters specifically to teens that don’t necessarily fit the traditional image of what a model is. They were really helpful and I worked with them for a year.
Q: Do you find it hard being your height in the modeling world?
JG: It’s really hard. I mean firstly, it prevents me from going to casting calls, which is where most models are recruited. When the company or organization putting out the casting call clearly states “only 5’9 and taller,” I can’t even go show them my portfolio or be seen at all. It’s hard when you’re trying to reach out to people who aren’t even going to give you the chance.
Q: So you have to create or find most of your opportunities yourself? It’s you taking the initiative to go out there and make people give you a chance?
JG: Definitely. If I didn’t take the initiative, no one would take me. I have a manager, and he always tells me how impressive my photos are and all that but when it comes to jobs: “You’re petite and our clients aren’t looking for you.” So, I find them myself. I talk to everyone and anyone and ask them to just look at my portfolio, to give me a chance.
Q: Let’s talk about the Miss New York competition.
JG: So originally, I wasn’t sure why I decided to participate at all. It was more of a “why not?” situation. The process has three steps: you first apply with your portfolio and résumé and if they like you, they call you in for an interview and if you pass that, the 6 month campaign begins. The actual competition will be in January of next year. So I’m completely in now, and I’m finding sponsors and campaigning for the next few months.
Q: Sponsors?
JG: Yeah, it’s actually really expensive to be part of the competition. There are base fees of $2000 just to compete and then you need to find a dress, a swimsuit, shoes, all of that. And I’d love to wear a $5 bathing suit but alas, I can’t.
Q: Why did you decide to represent Macaulay?
JG: It’s pretty much my way of saying thank you to Macaulay. I mean, without the awesome opportunities and financial flexibility Macaulay provided me with, there’s no way I would have been able to do this. And thanks to Macaulay, I chose to stay in the city for college (I might have been in the middle of Pennsylvania otherwise) and was able to even have these opportunities. So, this is me giving back.
Q: I’m sure the modeling scene in the middle of Pennsylvania is spectacular. So, you mentioned before that you want to use the Miss New York competition as a stepping-stone. To what, exactly?
JG: I actually have a lot of interest in advocacy and people are much more likely to listen to you when you tell them “Oh, I’m running for Miss New York (or even better, I am Miss New York)” than when it’s just you trying to raise support for a cause.
Q: What is the cause you want to advocate for?
JG: I’m interested in a more holistic approach to eating. My goal is to start a health initiative at Macaulay and spread it to the CUNY system. And then college students could return to their high schools as volunteers, or any high schools in the area, and educate the students there, making it this huge network. It’s just an idea I have. The point is that I’m sick of the fact that on the one hand, we’re served terrible food and it’s so hard to find healthy and fresh food and on the other hand, we’re constantly told to diet and be healthy. It’s ridiculous. We should accept our body as our tool or machine and love it.
Q: What are you involved in right now in terms of modeling/acting?
JG: I’m walking for Fashion Week at Soham Dave, an advertisement I did was in The Village Voice, and I just did a shoot for Rose Marie Swift, who’s done makeup for the Victoria’s Secret Angels. I was also on the cover and inside spread of Ganza Magazine earlier this year. I’m also modeling shoes for FFANY. Among some other things.
Q: Insane. Anything you want to tell our readers?
JG: Just be open-minded I guess. For me, that’s what helped the most. I grabbed every opportunity that came my way and tried to think outside the box as much as possible. I couldn’t afford not to.
“Like” Julia Gorbach’s fanpage on Facebook to stay updated on the competition and anything else ambitious and talented Gorbach may decide to do. The Miss New York competition will be televised in January.
Go to www.Notre-mode.com and shop using Gorbach’s code (JGORBACH4MISSNYUSA) to get 30% off your purchase. Gorbach will get to keep the 30% as commission and it will help her fundraise for the competition.
Editor’s Note: The Macaulay Messenger cannot promote or endorse Notre-Mode. The Messenger does not receive any benefits for supplying the any of the above information; it is included for those interested in Miss Gorbach’s campaign. We wish her the best of luck in all of her endeavors.