What’s Happening at CCNY This Fall

Exhibits at CCNY

“Harlem & the City: Over 100 Years of Special Memories” will be on display in the NAC Plaza until December 19th. This exhibition features photographs of Harlem from the past century. Its display coincided with CCNY’s week-long celebration of Harlem, from October 1st to 7th. The celebration opened with a New Orleans-style parade. It featured many other exciting events, including a panel discussion on the role of art and science in Harlem’s history.

The NAC library is also featuring a display of photos and documents from the Stanley Kaplan Papers Collection. Stanley Kaplan, who graduated from City College in 1939, is best known for founding Kaplan, Inc. and revolutionizing test preparation for the SAT.

The Write Stuff

The Writing Center will be hosting Write Away! Writing Open House on October 10th from 3:30 to 4:45 PM. The open house will feature writing games and activities, refreshments and “ten minute tutoring” sessions for your stubborn essays. Be sure to check the Writing Center’s page for a complete list of the writing workshops offered this fall.

If you’d rather listen to someone else’s writing, the Graduate English Program  has organized several readings for this fall. On October 16th, you can hear Pulitzer Prize winner and former poet laureate Mark Strand read from his most recent book of poetry. You can also hear five of City College’s MFA alumni read from their recently published works on November 15th.

Make a Difference

With the elections fast approaching, Undergraduate Student Government will be holding “Speak Out: Voter Registration Edition” on October 11th from 6-11 PM. There will be free food, giveaways, musical performances, and the chance to register to vote, all in the NAC Ballroom. This will be the last day to register before New York’s October 12th deadline!

For a chance to get off-campus and raise money for a good cause, consider joining a team for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. CCNY CityServ is assembling a team for the annual Walk. The Walk will be held in Central Park on morning of October 21st.

Fall Lecture Series

CCNY will also be hosting several lecture series in the next few months. At the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, you can attend the Sciame Lecture Series (named for its sponsor, F.J. Sciame Construction Company). The theme of this fall’s series is “Art, Architecture and the Landscape.” Featured speakers include Pulitzer Prize-winning artist/architect James Wines and sculptor Alice Aycock.

You can also attend the Fall 2012 Book Talk lecture series. The series’ speakers, who come from a variety of different fields, will all be approaching the topic of childhood.

On Stage

The CCNY Theater department has three upcoming productions. Two of the productions are plays: Six Characters in Search of an Author (October 25th-27th) and The Inspector General (December 6th-8th). The third is a musical, A Strange and Separate People (November 15th-17th).

For more information about upcoming events at CCNY, check out the Calendar of Events on the CCNY website.

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