
Everyday I see college students taking pictures of themselves: in class, in the cafeteria, and in the library. Sometimes they smile, other times they pout, make kissy faces, or stick out their tongues like Miley Cyrus. What are these students doing? They are taking selfies, or pictures of themselves that they also photograph. This is […]

iPad Mania!

Somewhere a college student has just defeated a level of Candy Crush Saga.  This student is gaming, using social media, navigating web pages, listening to music, watching movies, reading books, and taking pictures, all from one device—not their iPhone or any other smart phone, but their iPad.  Like a large touchscreen computer that can be […]

The Texting Generation

A few days ago, I nearly rammed into a tree because I was texting while walking, leaving me extremely embarrassed. My entire face turned red, and I looked up, expecting everyone around me to be laughing hysterically. But life went on as though nothing hilarious had just happened. Everyone else was too busy texting as […]


A Song With Meaning

As I walk to the subway while listening to my iPod on shuffle mode, the first few notes of a song begin to play, the first verse starts, and I all I can think of is: “What song is this?” I am listening to my own iPod. I should know all the songs in my […]


Facebook and Twitter: Virtual Therapists

Moette Nehama Schwartz shared a status: After stuffing myself silly on Thanksgiving, I signed on to Facebook to chat with friends who were home from college. While quickly skimming my newsfeed, I could categorize all status updates into two topics: those about Thanksgiving, and those about the upcoming Black Friday shopping day extravaganza. Many of the […]
