SON OF GONE FISHIN’ is a a contemporary dance choreographed by Trisha Brown. I was impressed by the dancers’ use of stage. They never left a part of a stage unused. Also, the lighting near the end was an eye catcher. They used light to portray shadows on the wall of the stage. That was definitely my favorite part. Another part that I enjoyed was when the dancers all stopped a couple of times as the lighting dimmed during the dance. It was interesting to see that the dancers lacked facial expression. I suppose that was done on purpose.

It was the most puzzling dance I’ve seen. The dancers sometimes used the chain effect to create a dramatic effect. However they were not in sync. They were doing separate moves just on one stage. When I saw 3 of the dancers doing the same move I was so happy and then after few seconds, they went off doing their own thing. The music definitely added on to the chaos on stage. It sounded like several sounds jammed together like the busy road in the city at night. However, this confusion is what drew me in. I tried to focus to catch what the dance was about. Although I couldn’t find the answer to the purpose of dance, it was quite interesting.