Age: 23

Former residences: Paris (18 years) (with 2 years in Italy)

Education level: 1 more year until completion of Bachelor’s

Length of time in NYC: since 19 years old (5 years so far)

Length of time planning to stay in NYC: For the foreseeable future

Residence in NYC: Previously in Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant, currently in Astoria

Reason why she came to NYC: When she was 16 years old, she visited NYC and fell in love with it. After that, she wanted to go back and live here. She hated Paris, was starting to get sick of it, wanted change, and wanted to study film.

Biggest difficulties living abroad/cultural differences: Nothing significant that she could think of at the moment.

Likes about NYC:

  • It is welcoming. The people feel more open-minded, less judgmental.
  • The dynamic atmosphere
  • There are a lot of cultural events and a lot to do in terms of the arts.

Significant changes in life due to moving to NYC:

  • She smokes a lot less because it is too expensive here as well as it being less of a social norm.

Social circle in NYC:

  • Her first roommate was coincidentally a Parisian, however, she is not involved in the French community in NYC. Her friends are either international or Americans.